English Boy Names With Meaning | a2zbabyname



Blue links are Boys names & Pink links are Girls names.
Beginning, Starting, First 6
Carves the Stones; Stone-field 5
Variant of Aric 'rule with mercy.'. 5
Acquainted, Knowledgeable 8
Nobleman; Father in Rejoicing 1
My Father is Light, Intelligent 8
Abbey father. 4
Abbey father. 6
Resolute, Highborn, Steadfast 7
God is My Father 2
Father of Light; Father is Light 9
My Father is Light 9
High Father, From Abraham 9
Pure 8
Elder Sister 8
Unity; a nickname given to one who excels; also an English surname meaning noble. 9
Change in a Negative Manner 9
Dweller at the acre meadow. 8
Place Name; Oak Meadow 2
Dwells at the oak tree meadow. 3
Work 8
A town in the U.K. 8
Fulfilling a Duty, Paying, Beauty 6
Variant of Edgar: Fortunate and powerful. From the Old English name Eadgar, a compound of 'ead' meaning rich or happy, and 'gar' meaning spear. Famous bearer: 10th-century king Edgar of England; Ameri 6
High-born, Brilliant 2
Son of All. 3
Of the red earth. 1
Son of Adam. 4
Son of Adam 5
Ideal, Exalted, High, Eminent 6
Place 1
Son of Adam; Man of the Red Earth 8
Lives on the noble's island. 5
Lives on the Noble's Island 5
Son of Adam, Son of the Red Earth 5
Son of Adam. 1
Son of Adam. 3
Lives on the noble's island. 8
Ardent. 7
Brave Noble, Noble and Courageous 9
High-born, Brilliant, Bright 6
Oaken. 8
Son of Aiken. 4
Oaken. 1
Noble and Steadfast 4
Eagle. 4
Best 8
Lives on the noble's island. 4
Lives on the noble's island. 8
Black; Dark; Of the Adriatic 6