Persian Baby Names With Meaning | a2zbabyname



Blue links are Boys names & Pink links are Girls names.
? Meanings 6
? Meanings 6
Free city 5
Afareen is a Persian name for girls, sometimes also used for Boys, that means 'to praise', 'to give thanks', 'to congratulate', it is also an expression of praise and gratitude 5
true follower of Allah 5
the Servant of the One who Gives Nourishment 4
the Servant of the Leader 6
the Servant of the Wise One 8
the Servant of the Patient One 9
the one who is Servant of the Praiseworthy One 1
the Servant of the Comforter 9
the servant of the one who helps others 6
the Servant of the Noble One 1
the Servant of the Capable 9
the Servant of the Generous One 9
the one who is a Servant of the Kind One 9
the Servant of Allah 5
the Servant of the Glorious One 3
the one who is Servant of the King 3
the Servant of the Strong 5
the Servant of the Donor 6
the Servant of the Charitable One 5
the one being Servant of the Capable 6
being Servant of the Merciful 3
the Servant of the well Guided 7
the servant of sympathetic 3
being Servant of the Provider 1
the Servant of the helper 1
the Servant of Peace 3
the one who is Servant of the All-hearing 8
the Servant of the Giving 1
the one being Servant of Allah 9
the one being Servant of the One who treat others with tenderness 8
the Servant of the Noble One 2
the Servant of the supreme Leader 1
the kind Servant of the Wise One 3
the Servant of the Patient One 4
Derived from name Abdiel that means my servant 1
A spotted gemstone, a gemstone that has spot 9
An honour or the dignity of a person 6
One who is of good deeds or with good thoughts 1
The father of a triumphant person 5
One who sows, seeds or spices 3
Dew 9
Name of a kind of tree, Maple in English. 8
Name of a character in Shahnameh, Siamak's daughter-in-law 7
The one who is worthy to be praised and blessed. 3
A story about fairies. 9
A person who is serving a crown. 2
Sprinkling or scattering 8