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These anglo boy names can change your child’s future!

Girl All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Boy All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Aart Like an eagle Boy 4
Abeodan Blind. Boy 6
Ablendan Storm. Boy 8
Abrecan Unity. Boy 8
Ace Unity Boy 9
Acennan Unity. Boy 7
Acey Unity Boy 7
Acton Town by the oak tree Boy 8
Acwel Kills. Boy 8
Acwellen Kills Boy 3
Adamnan Name of several kings. Boy 3
Aelle A king of Mercia. Boy 8
Aethelbald Name of a king. Boy 7
Aethelbert Name of a king. Boy 6
Aethelfrith Name of a king. Boy 4
Aethelhere Name of a king. Boy 6
Aethelred Name of a king. Boy 6
Aethelstan Name of a king. Boy 6
Aethelwulf Gives. Boy 5
Agiefan Name of a bishop. Boy 7
Aglaeca Gives. Boy 3
Agyfen Cuts down. Boy 4
Aheawan Wages war. Boy 8
Ahebban Rescues. Boy 6
Ahreddan Name of a saint. Boy 1
Aidan Little fiery one Boy 2
Aiken Name of an abbot. Boy 4
Alban Town on the white hill Boy 3
Albinus Defender. Boy 6
Alden Name of a king. Boy 9
Aldfrith Name of a bishop. Boy 6
Aldhelm Defender. Boy 1
Aldin Old advisor. Boy 4
Aldred Defender. Boy 8
Aldwyn Name of a king. Boy 7
Alfred Noble spearman. Boy 1
Algar Noble spearman. Boy 3
Alger Defender of the tem... Boy 7
Almund All ruler. Boy 2
Alwalda Defender. Boy 9
Alwin God of agriculture. Boy 5
Amaethon Patient. Boy 5
Anbidian Only child. Boy 9
Ancenned Confesses. Boy 6
Andettan Enemy. Boy 7
Andsaca Answers. Boy 7
Andswarian Answers. Boy 5
Andweard Present. Boy 7
Andwearde Present. Boy 3
Andwyrdan Graceful. Boy 5
Ane Simple. Boy 2
Anfeald Solitary. Boy 7
Anhaga Graceful. Boy 5
Ann Name of a king. Boy 2
Anson Ruler. Boy 9
Anwealda Sacred. Boy 7
Archard Sacred. Boy 8
Archerd Bold. Boy 3
Arian Honorable. Boy 7
Arlice Honorable. Boy 3