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Chinese Boy Names Numerology 8 - Ambitious and Successful

Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Aiguo Patriotic Boy 8
Bo Waves Boy 8
Bohai Elder brother sea Boy 8
Chongan Second brother peace Boy 8
Dingxiang Stability and fortune Boy 8
Fengge Phoenix pavilion Boy 8
Gen Root Boy 8
Guangli Making propriety bright Boy 8
Guowei State preserving Boy 8
Hong Wild swan Boy 8
Huan Happiness Boy 8
Jianyu Building the universe Boy 8
Minsheng Voice of the people Boy 8
Qi Enlightenment Boy 8
Qianfan Thousand sails Boy 8
Qingshan Celebrating goodness Boy 8
Quan Spring (of water) Boy 8
Shaiming Life, sunshine Boy 8
Tingzhe May the court be wise Boy 8
Tung All, universal Boy 8
Weiyuan Preserving depth Boy 8
Wing Glory Boy 8
Zedong East of the marsh Boy 8