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Guadeloupe Boy Names Numerology 9 - Compassionate and Humanitarian

Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Banner Flagbearer Boy 9
Bardon Minstrelorasingerpoet Boy 9
Bardon Minstrel, Singer-poet Boy 9
Barnaby Sonofcomfort Boy 9
Barthram Illustrious, Glorious Raven Boy 9
Bax Baker Boy 9
Beaman Froma Beautiful Hill, Bee-keeper Boy 9
Beaman Beekeeper Boy 9
Beanie To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 9
Bek Brook Boy 9
Bemelle Strongasa Bear Boy 9
Bemelle Strongasabear Boy 9
Beore Birchtree Boy 9
Beore Birch Tree Boy 9
Bercleah Livesatthe Birch Tree Meadow Boy 9
Bercleah Livesatthebirchtreemeadow Boy 9
Berk Manof Strength Boy 9
Berk Fromthebirchtreemeadow Boy 9
Bert Bright, Highborn, Brilliant Boy 9
Bert Bright Boy 9
Bilal The Chosen One, Black Man Boy 9
Bink Livesatthebank Boy 9
Bink Livesatthe Bank Boy 9
Birche Birch Boy 9
Bizz To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 9
Blanford Fromthegrayford Boy 9
Blanford Fromthe Grey Ford Boy 9
Blythe Cheerful Boy 9
Blythe Cheerful, Happy, Carefree, Joyous Boy 9
Bodo To Announce, To Command, A Leader Boy 9
Bonzo To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 9
Boris Battle, Fight, Warrior, Short Boy 9
Bourke Fortifiedhill Boy 9
Bourke Fortified Hill Boy 9
Bowie Blond, Fair Haired, Yellow Haired Boy 9
Bradon Broad Hillside Boy 9
Brandan Beacon Hill, Sword Boy 9
Brandan Beaconhill Boy 9
Brenan Tear Drop, Descendantof Braon Boy 9
Brendon Traveller, Prince, Brave Boy 9
Brendt Hilltop, Variantof Brent Boy 9
Brendt Hilltop Boy 9
Brennen Smelly Hair, Prince Boy 9
Breon Force, Power, Strength Boy 9
Bret Nativeof Brittany Boy 9
Bret From Britain Boy 9
Bridger Dwellsatthe Bridge Boy 9
Bridger Dwellsatthebridge Boy 9
Bromley Fromthe Broom Covered Meadow Boy 9
Bromley Fromthebrushwoodmeadow Boy 9
Bud Herald, Messenger, Friend Boy 9
Bud Herald,messenger Boy 9
Bud Heraldormessenger Boy 9
Buddie Friend Boy 9
Burdett Surname Usedasa Given Name Boy 9
Burdett Unknown Boy 9
Burgeis Town Dweller, Livesin Town Boy 9
Burgeis Towndweller Boy 9
Burton Fromthe Fortified Town Boy 9
Burton Fromthefortifiedtown Boy 9