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These quranic names can define your baby’s identity.

Girl All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Boy All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Aaz "Mightiest" Boy 1
Abdullah "Servant of Allah" Boy 7
Abidin "Worshipers of God" Boy 3
Abidun "Worshipers of God" Boy 6
Abyaz "White" Boy 1
Adam Name of a prophet, the first human being Boy 1
Adl "Justice" Boy 8
Afin "Ones who forgive others" Boy 3
Ahad "One", "single", "unique" Boy 5
Ahkam "Firm", "best at judging", "most wise" Boy 7
Ahmad "Praiseworthy" Boy 9
Ahsan "Best" Boy 7
Aiman "Blessed" Boy 2
Ajr "Reward" Boy 2
Akbar "Greatest" Boy 6
Akif "One who stays at the mosque overnight to worship God" Boy 9
Akifin "Ones who stay at the mosque overnight to worship" Boy 5
Akifun "Ones who stay at the mosque overnight to worship" Boy 8
Akram "Extremely generous" Boy 8
Albab "Sense", "intelligence" Boy 9
Ali "High", "exalted", "sublime" Boy 4
Alim "Knowledgeable", "expert", "scholar" Boy 8
Alimin "Knowledgeable ones" Boy 4
Alimun "Knowledgeable ones" Boy 7
Allam "Extremely knowlegeable" Boy 3
Amad "Duration", "period of time" Boy 1
Amin "Trustworthy" Boy 1
Aminin "Safe ones", "unharmed ones" Boy 6
Aminun "Safe ones" Boy 9
Ansar "Supporters" Boy 8
Aqlam "Pens" Boy 8
Aqrab "Closer", "closest" Boy 3
Aqsat "Most just", "fairer", "most just" Boy 4
Asdaq "More trustworthy" Boy 6
Ashaab "Friends", "companions" Boy 5
Ashhad "Witnesses", plural of shahid Boy 5
Asif "Stormy" Boy 8
Asim "Protector" Boy 6
Awab "Repentant", "one who always returns to God" Boy 9
Awal "First" Boy 1
Ayub Name of a prophet, known as Job in English Boy 4
Azim "Great", "Magnificent" Boy 4
Aziz "Beloved", "honored", "mighty" Boy 8
Azm "Resolve", "resolution", "firmness of will" Boy 4
Bab "Door", "gateway" Boy 5
Bahr "Sea" Boy 2
Balagh "Proclamation", "declaration", "announcement" Boy 4
Baqi "Remaining", "lasting" Boy 2
Basar "Eyesight", "vision" Boy 5
Bashir "Bringer of good news" Boy 3
Basir "Perceptive" Boy 4
Basit "Spreader", "one whose arms are spread wide", figuratively it means "generous" Boy 6
Bazigh "Shining", "radiant", "rising" Boy 8
Bihar "Seas" Boy 2
Bunyan "Structure", "formation" Boy 5
Burhan "Proof" Boy 1
Dabir "Roots", "lineage", "ancestry" Boy 1
Daee "Caller", "evangelist", one who calls others to Islam Boy 6
Dawud Name of a prophet, David in English Boy 8
Eid "Festival", "day of festivity" Boy 9