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Uncommon boy Names Beginning with U for Your Special boy

Girl All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Boy All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Udale Fromthe Yew Tree Valley Boy 7
Udale Fromtheyewtreevalley Boy 7
Udall Fromthe Yew Tree Valley Boy 5
Udall Fromtheyewtreevalley Boy 5
Udayle Fromthe Yew Tree Valley Boy 5
Udayle Fromtheyewtreevalley Boy 5
Udell Fromthe Yew Tree Valley Boy 9
Udell Fromtheyewtreevalley Boy 9
Udolf Wealthy Wolf, A Prosperous Wolf Boy 4
Udolf Wealthywolf Boy 4
Udolph Wealthy Wolf Boy 4
Udolph Wealthywolf Boy 4
Ugis Shield Boy 2
Ujarak Likea Rock Boy 8
Uke Rapids, God's Blessing Boy 1
Ukya Fromthe Deep Valley Boy 4
Ulfred Wolfofpeace Boy 3
Ulfred Peaceful Wolf Boy 3
Ulger Wolfspear Boy 9
Ulger Wolf Spear Boy 9
Ulises Fullof Wrath Boy 4
Ullock Wolf Sport Boy 2
Ullock Wolfsport Boy 2
Ullok Wolfsport Boy 8
Ullok Wolf Sport Boy 8
Ulmar Wolffamous Boy 2
Ulmar Wolf Famous Boy 2
Ulmarr Wolf Famous Boy 2
Ulmarr Wolffamous Boy 2
Ulysses Wrathful Boy 3
Ulysses To Hate, Wrathful, Tobe Angry Boy 3
Umar Second Khalifah Boy 8
Una To Remember( Hopi) Boy 9
Unnamed Beingan Unknown, Name Less Source Boy 9
Unwin Unfriendly, Young Friend Boy 9
Unwine Unfriendly Boy 5
Upshaw Upperwoodedarea Boy 7
Urban Fromthe City Boy 2
Urban Citydwellerorfromthecity Boy 2
Uri Light, The Lordis My Light Boy 3
Uriah Lightofthe God, Lightis Yahweh Boy 3
Uriah Godismylight Boy 3
Uriel Lightof God, Flameof God Boy 2
Uriel Godismylight Boy 2
Urijah The Lordis My Light/ Fire Boy 4
Usoro Festival Period Boy 7