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Girl All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Boy All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Aafreen Afareen is a Persian name for girls, sometimes also used for Boys, that means 'to praise', 'to give thanks', 'to congratulate', it is also an expression of praise and gratitude Girl 5
Abdalbari True follower of Allah Boy 5
Abdalfattah The Servant of the One who Gives Nourishment Boy 4
Abdalhadi The Servant of the Leader Boy 6
Abdalhakim The Servant of the Wise One Boy 8
Abdalhalim The Servant of the Patient One Boy 9
Abdalhamid The one who is Servant of the Praiseworthy One Boy 1
Abdaljabbar The Servant of the Comforter Boy 9
Abdaljabir The servant of the one who helps others Boy 6
Abdaljawwad The Servant of the Noble One Boy 1
Abdalkadir The Servant of the Capable Boy 9
Abdalkarim The Servant of the Generous One Boy 9
Abdallafif The one who is a Servant of the Kind One Boy 9
Abdallah The Servant of Allah Boy 5
Abdalmajid The Servant of the Glorious One Boy 3
Abdalmalik The one who is Servant of the King Boy 3
Abdalmatin The Servant of the Strong Boy 5
Abdalmufi The Servant of the Donor Boy 6
Abdalmuhsin The Servant of the Charitable One Boy 5
Abdalqadir The one being Servant of the Capable Boy 6
Abdalrahman Being Servant of the Merciful Boy 3
Abdalrashid The Servant of the well Guided Boy 7
Abdalrauf The servant of sympathetic Boy 3
Abdalraziq Being Servant of the Provider Boy 1
Abdalrazzaq The Servant of the helper Boy 1
Abdalsalam The Servant of Peace Boy 3
Abdalsami The one who is Servant of the All-hearing Boy 8
Abdalwahab The Servant of the Giving Boy 1
Abdelati The one being Servant of Allah Boy 9
Abdelfattah The one being Servant of the One who treat others with tenderness Boy 8
Abdelgawwad The Servant of the Noble One Boy 2
Abdelhadi The Servant of the supreme Leader Boy 1
Abdelhakim The kind Servant of the Wise One Boy 3
Abdelhalim The Servant of the Patient One Boy 4
Abdieso Derived from name Abdiel that means my servant Boy 1
Abreshmina A spotted gemstone, a gemstone that has spot Girl 9
Abru An honour or the dignity of a person Girl 6
Abtin One who is of good deeds or with good thoughts Boy 1
Abufiruz The father of a triumphant person Boy 5
Abzari One who sows, seeds or spices Boy 3
Afhak Dew Girl 9
Afra Name of a kind of tree, Maple in English. Girl 8
Afri Name of a character in Shahnameh, Siamak's daughter-in-law Girl 7
Afrin The one who is worthy to be praised and blessed. Boy 3
Afsaneh A story about fairies. Girl 9
Afsarara A person who is serving a crown. Girl 2
Afshaneh Sprinkling or scattering Girl 8
Aftaab Aftaab means 'the sun'. A masculine name who is positive, happy go lucky, prosperous and energetic Boy 4
Aftab Aftab means 'the sun'. A masculine name who is positive, happy go lucky, prosperous and energetic Boy 3
Aghigh Name of a stone. A stone that is precious, treasured, priceless, immeasurable and rare. Girl 4
Ahoo Deer, gazelle Girl 3
Ahou Deer, gazelle Girl 9
Aistan Tiger Boy 1
Ajmal The total, More beautiful, Boy 1
Albazi Falcon Boy 6
Alborz The highest one Boy 2
Alea God's being Girl 1
Aleah God's being Girl 9
Aleaha A form of Alea Girl 1
Aleea A form of Alea Girl 6