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Stylish boy Names Starting with S for Modern Parents

Girl All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Boy All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Saadee The lord or the master Boy 8
Saeed Happy, Fortunate, Felicity, A variant spelling is Sayid Boy 7
Safan He who is brave, bold, and courageous, Boy 5
Sahasan One who is the finder of Sasani dynasty Boy 9
Sajeel Alluring and beautiful person Boy 7
Samsher One who is like a sword Boy 2
Sargon Sun prince, sun prince Boy 2
Shad Commanded by aku Boy 5
Shadhan A joyfull, happy person Boy 1
Shah A surname meaning King, king. History: a title for rules of Iran Boy 9
Shaheen One who is liek a royal falcon Boy 6
Shaheryar He is the king Boy 4
Shahin Falcon bird Boy 5
Shahjahan He is the King of the World Boy 7
Shahkam As the King wishes Boy 7
Shahou The best and most valuable pearl. A variant of Shahu. Boy 9
Shahpur Prince, son of a king. Boy 1
Shahrdad He is the town's gift Boy 9
Shahrokh One who has a royal face Boy 7
Shahrooz One who is like a great river Boy 2
Shahryar A Kingly person Boy 8
Shahu The best and most valuable pearl Boy 3
Shahyar A friend of the King Boy 8
Shahzore A powerful kingly person with great strenght Boy 1
Shahzuina A kingly one Boy 8
Shamshad A tree that looks like a pine Boy 1
Shamsher His choice of weapon is the Sword Boy 1
Shamshera One who choses the Sword Boy 2
Shapur The king's son Boy 2
Shayan A person who is worthy and deserves good things in life Boy 5
Sher Persian name meaning lion Boy 5
Siavash One who is a keeper of dark horses Boy 7
Siavosh A name of the character in Shahnameh Boy 3
Simin One who is made of silver Boy 1
Siyamak One who enjoys solitary Boy 7
Siyavash One who has many black stallions Boy 5
Soheil To be on the same level, to be even Boy 5
Sohrab One who is a hero, a living legend, ancient hero Boy 9
Soroush He who is a happy man Boy 7
Syrus Throne or Lord Boy 3