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Get inspired with these perfect malaysian names for your baby.

Girl All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Boy All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Aabad Populated Boy 9
Aaban Name of the Angels Boy 1
Aaban Of an Angel, 8th Persian Month Boy 1
Aaban Name of the Angel Boy 1
Aaban More clear, 8th Persian month Boy 1
Aabdar Bright, Like Glass Boy 9
Aabdeen Worshipper Boy 5
Aabel Breath Boy 3
Aabha Shine, Glow, Sun Rays, Strength Girl 4
Aabia God is My Father Girl 5
Aabid Worshipper, Devotee Boy 8
Aabid Worshiper Boy 8
Aabid Worshipper of God Boy 8
Aabid Worshipper of God Girl 8
Aabida Worshipper, Devotee Girl 9
Aabidaat Worshipers of God Girl 3
Aabidah Worshipper. Girl 8
Aabidah Worshipper Girl 8
Aabidah Worshipper, Devotee Girl 8
Aabideen Worshippers Boy 5
Aabidh Worshipper Boy 7
Aabidoon Worshipper of God Boy 7
Aabidullah Worshipper of Allah Boy 8
Aabinus Ebony Boy 4
Aabir Fragrance, Cloud, Passing by Boy 4
Aabir Fragrance, Scent, Aroma Girl 4
Aabira Colour Girl 5
Aabirah Fleeting, transitory, ephemeral Girl 4
Aabirah Fleeting, transitory, ephemeral. Girl 4
Aabirah Fleeting, Transitory, Ephemeral Girl 4
Aabis Austere, Stern Girl 5
Aabish Daughter of Sa'd who was a queen of Iran (AN) Girl 4
Aabish Daughter of Sa'ad, She was a Queen .... Girl 4
Aabish Daughter of Saad, she was a queen of Irqan (AN). Girl 4
Aabish Lucky (Daughter of a king, Queen of iran) Girl 4
Aabroo Fame, Honour, Dignity Girl 7
Aada To Bind, Fasten Boy 7
Aadab Respect, Hope and need Boy 9
Aadab Good Wish Boy 9
Aadab Hope and Need Girl 9
Aadab Hope, need Girl 9
Aadam The first prophet of Allah Boy 2
Aadan Acceptance, Holding Boy 3
Aadeel Just Boy 1
Aadeez Beloved, Dearest, Treasured Boy 6
Aadel Reasonable Boy 5
Aaden Warmth of the Home, Fire, Flame Boy 7
Aadheen Obedient, Submissive Boy 2
Aadhil Honorable judge, Justice, Righteous Boy 8
Aadhil Honourable Judge Boy 8
Aadhila Honesty, Just, Upright, Justice Girl 9
Aadiba Polite, Cultured, Respect Giving Girl 9
Aadifa One which we can Proud Girl 4
Aadil Justice, Upright, Sincere, Truth Boy 9
Aadil Honorable judge, Justice, Righteous Boy 9
Aadil Just, Upright Boy 9
Aadila Just, Honest, Equal, Upright Girl 1
Aadila Honest, upright, just, righteous, fem. of Adil. Girl 1
Aadila Honest, Upright, Justice Girl 1
Aadila Honesty, Just, Upright, Justice Girl 1