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Could this spanish name be the perfect match for your baby?

Girl All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Boy All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Abejundio Relating to the abaje (bee) Boy 9
Abran Variant of Abram 'Exalted father.'. Boy 9
Adan Variant of Adam 'From the red earth.'. Boy 2
Adoncia Sweet Girl 2
Adriano Dark, Variant of Adrian. From Adria.: (The Adriatic sea region.). Boy 8
Agustin Majestic dignity, grandeur. Boy 1
Alano Handsome. Boy 7
Alanzo Form of Alphonse: see Alfonso. Boy 6
Alarico Rules all. Boy 5
Alba A place name. Boy 7
Alberto Noble, bright. Boy 1
Alejandro Spanish form of Alexander defends mankind. Boy 8
Alfonso Spanish form of Alphonse 'eager for war'. Boy 1
Alfredo Spanish form of Alfred 'counsels the elves'. Boy 7
Alita Noble Girl 7
Alonso Eager for battle, Form of Alphonse: see Alfonso. Boy 4
Alonzo Eager for battle. Boy 2
Aluino Noble friend. Boy 9
Alvar Truth-speaker or guardian. Boy 9
Alvaro Truth-speaker or guardian. Boy 6
Alvino White, fair. Boy 1
Amadeo Loves God. Boy 3
Amador Lover Boy 7
Amata Beloved Girl 9
Amato Beloved Boy 5
Ambrosio Divine. Boy 2
Amistad Friendship Boy 4
Amoldo The eagle rules. Boy 6
Anastasio Resurrected. Boy 9
Anbessa A Saracen governor of Spain. Boy 7
Andreo Manly, brave. Variant of English Andrew. Boy 3
Andres Manly, brave. Variant of English Andrew. Boy 7
Angel Angel. Boy 3
Angelino Messenger. Biblical name for spirit messengers God sends men. Boy 5
Angelo Messenger. Biblical name for spirit messengers God sends men. Boy 9
Anibal Grace of God. Boy 3
Anselmo Divine helmet. Boy 7
Anton Spanish form of Anthony beyond praise. Boy 1
Antonio Spanish form of Anthony beyond praise. Boy 7
Aquilino Eagle. Boy 8
Arcadia Adventurous Girl 1
Archibaldo Bold. Boy 1
Ario Variant of Arrio: Warlike, fierce. Boy 7
Armando Army man. Variant of Herman. Boy 3
Arrio Warlike, fierce. Boy 7
Arryo Variant of Arrio: Warlike, fierce. Boy 5
Arturo Noble, courageous. Boy 3
Aryo Variant of Arrio: Warlike, fierce. Boy 5
Aureliano Golden. Boy 6
Aurelio Gold. Boy 9
Aurelius Golden. Boy 7
Bartoli Ploughman. Boy 5
Bartolo Ploughman. Boy 2
Bartolome Ploughman. Boy 2
Basilio Noble. Boy 4
Beinvenido Welcome. Boy 9
Belicia Dedicated to god Girl 5
Beltran Bright raven. Boy 9
Bemabe Son of comfort. Boy 1
Bembe Spanish form of Barnaby prophet. Boy 9