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Cute boy Names Starting with C You’ll Love

Girl All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Boy All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Cachi Bringer of peace. Boy 6
Calvino Bald. Boy 4
Carles The Spanish form of Charles, meaning strong or manly, occasionally used in English-speaking countries. Boy 4
Carlino Variant of Carlos: Man (Spanish variant of Charles). Boy 9
Carlo Variant of Carlos: Man (Spanish variant of Charles). Boy 4
Carlomagno Charles the Great. Boy 9
Carlos Manly. Boy 5
Carolo Variant of Carlos: Man (Spanish variant of Charles). Boy 1
Casimiro Peaceful. Boy 6
Castel Belonging to a castle Boy 6
Caton Knowledgable, wise Boy 8
Cedro Abbreviation of Isadoro 'strong gift.'. Boy 9
Cesar Long haired. Boy 1
Cesario Variant of Caesar. Boy 7
Cesaro Long haired. Boy 7
Chago Heel. Boy 7
Chale Strong and manly Boy 2
Chan Nickname for John. Boy 8
Chango Variant of Chago: Heel. Boy 3
Chano Abbreviations for names ending in '-ano' and '-rio.' Chan: (Chinese) family name. Boy 5
Chanti Supplanter. Boy 1
Charro Nickname for a cowboy particularly in Argentina. Boy 9
Chayo Abbreviations for names ending in '-ano' and '-rio.' Chan: (Chinese) family name. Boy 7
Che God will increase, God will add. Abbreviation of Jose, Latin-American revolutionary Che Guevara. Boy 7
Checha Hairy. Boy 1
Cheche God will add. Boy 5
Chenche Conquer. Boy 1
Chencho He who is crowned with laurel. Boy 2
Chepe God will increase. Boy 1
Chepito Variant of Chepe: God will increase. Boy 4
Chicho Variant of Chico: Boy. Boy 1
Chico Boy, lad. Also Spanish abbreviation of Ezekiel. Boy 2
Chilo Frenchman. Boy 2
Chumin Lord. Boy 5
Chuminga Variant of Chumin: Lord. Boy 4
Chumo Twin. Boy 6
Ciceron Chickpea. Boy 4
Cid God, rooster. Boy 7
Cidro Abbreviation of Isadoro 'strong gift.'. Boy 4
Cipriano From Cyprus. Boy 4
Cirilo Noble. Boy 3
Ciro The sun Boy 9
Cisco Frenchman. Boy 4
Claudio Lame. Boy 2
Clodoveo Famous warrior. Boy 1
Colon Dove Boy 5
Conrado Spanish form of Conrad 'able counsel'. Boy 7
Constantino Constant. Boy 9
Consuelo Consolation Boy 5
Cordero Lamb. Boy 6
Cornelio Horn. Boy 1
Cris Variant abbreviation of Christopher and Christian. Boy 4
Cristian Follower of Christ, the Annointed. Boy 3
Cristiano Christian. Boy 9
Cristobal Spanish form of Christopher 'Christ bearer'. Boy 9
Cristofer With Christ inside. Boy 5
Cristofor With Christ inside. Boy 6
Criston Follower of Christ, the Annointed. Boy 8
Cristos Follower of Christ, the Annointed. Boy 4
Cristoval With Christ inside. Boy 2