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Trendy & Modern Danish Baby Boy Names for Your Newborn

Choosing a name for your newborn is a beautiful journey, and finding the perfect one can be a meaningful experience. For Danish parents, baby boy names often hold deep significance, reflecting values of faith, wisdom, and tradition. In 2025, the trend is all about modern names that carry traditional Danish meanings while sounding fresh and unique.

If you’re looking for a trendy and meaningful name, options like Anders (meaning ‘Danish form of Andrew.’), Balduin (meaning ‘Bold.’), and Caesar (meaning ‘Long hair.’) are perfect choices. These names offer a blend of modern appeal with spiritual depth, making them ideal for today’s parents..

For those seeking more traditional yet modern-sounding names, Diederik, Ejnar, and Frans are timeless options that never go out of style. These names are inspired by Danish history, prophets, and virtues, providing a strong cultural connection.

Explore this collection of trendy and modern Danish baby boy names to find the one that resonates with your faith and family values. Give your child a name that’s not only meaningful but also stands out in today’s world.

Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Anders Danish form of Andrew. Boy 7
Anker Danish form of Andrew. Boy 4
Aren Esgle. Boy 2
Arend Danish form of Arnold. Boy 6
Balduin Bold. Boy 9
Bardo Son of the earth Boy 4
Bartram Glorious raven. The raven was consecrated to the Norse war god Odin and was the emblem of the Danish royal standard. Boy 1
Bent Blessed. Boy 5
Caesar Long hair. Boy 2
Christian Believes in Christ. Boy 2
Christiansen Son of the Christian. Boy 4
Christoffer Christ hearer. Boy 1
Diederik Ruler of the people Boy 2
Ejnar Warrior. Boy 3
Enok Biblical name. Boy 9
Erik Powerful. Boy 7
Frans Free. Boy 4
Franz Free. Boy 2
Frederik Peaceful ruler. Boy 4
Fritz Free. Boy 7
Gardiner Garden keeper Boy 4
Gregos Watehful. Boy 8
Hans God's gift. Boy 6
Harald War chief. Boy 8
Henning Danish form of Henry. Boy 8
Henrik Danish form of Henry. Boy 2
Jakob Danish form of Jacob. Boy 3
Jantzen Variant of the Hebrew John Jehovah has been gracious, has shown favor. Boy 9
Jen Danish form of John. Boy 2
Jens Danish form of John. Boy 3
Karl Manly. Boy 6
Klaus Danish form of Nicholas. Boy 1
Knud Kind. Boy 5
Knut Kindness Boy 3
Lars Laurel. Boy 5
Lauritz Laurel. Boy 8
Magnus Great. Boy 3
Mikkel Danish form of Michael. Boy 7
Mogens Powerful. Boy 1
Niel Champion. Boy 4
Niels Son of Niel. Boy 5
Niles Son of Niel. Boy 5
Nils Champion Boy 9
Ole Family. Boy 5
Pedar Danish form of Peter. Boy 8
Poul Little. Boy 1
Soren Danish form of Thor. Boy 8
Svend Young man. Boy 1
Tage Day. Boy 6
Thor Mythical god of thunder. Boy 7
Ulrik Ruler of all. Boy 8
Vilhelm Danish form of William. Boy 9