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Nice and Unique boy Names That Begin with N

Girl All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Boy All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Na Meaningful, God Name Boy 6
Nacoma Lovable Boy 2
Naftali Wreath, My Strife, Wrestling Boy 9
Nahum Comforting, Compassionate Boy 3
Naithen Given by God Boy 8
Naotau New Boy 9
Naphtali Wrestling, Struggle, Jacob's Son, .... Boy 9
Narvin Freedom Boy 6
Nash Dweller by the Ash Tree Boy 6
Nat Form of Nathan, Given by God Boy 8
Nate Giver, Gift of God Boy 4
Nathan Protector, Master, Lord, Chief Boy 4
Nathaniel Gift of God, Given by God Boy 3
Nayland Island Dweller Boy 8
Neal Champion, Blue Boy 5
Ned Prosperous Guardian Boy 5
Nehemiah Yahweh Comforts Boy 9
Neil Coming from Clouds, Champion Boy 4
Neill Champion, Form of Neil Boy 7
Nelson Son of a Champion Boy 7
Neo Gift, New, New Life / Moon Boy 7
Neor Dew Boy 7
Nevan Little Saint, Little Holy One Boy 2
Nevin Nephew, Little Bone Boy 1
Newton From the New Estate / Farm Boy 1
Nic Lord, People of Victory Boy 8
Nicholas People's Triumph, Victory of the .... Boy 9
Nick Victory of the People Boy 1
Nickolas Victory of the People Boy 3
Nicolas Conqueror of the People Boy 1
Nidhil Treasure, Principle, Wealth Boy 2
Niel Sky, Champion Boy 4
Nigel Dark Cloud, Champion, Dark Night Boy 2
Nikki Victory of the People Boy 9
Nikolas Victorious, Variant of Nicholas Boy 9
Niles Coming from Clouds, Champion Boy 5
Nimrod Rebellion, Bowman Boy 1
Niven Holy, Sacred, Little Bone Boy 1
Nixson Undaunted Boy 5
Noel Christmas, Born on Christmas Day Boy 1
Nolan Noble, Descendant of Nuallan Boy 2
Norbert Brilliant Hero Boy 2
Norm Man of the North, From the North Boy 6
Norman Surname, Northerner Boy 3
Normand Surname, North Protection Boy 7
Norris Northerner, Nurse, Caretaker Boy 3
North From the North Boy 3
Norton From the Northern Town Boy 6
Norwood From the North Forest Boy 5