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English Boy Names Starting with D & Accurate Pronunciation

Girl All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Boy All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Daanyal Wise Boy 4
Dabney White Settlement Boy 6
Dace Of the nobility. Boy 4
Dace Southerner, Of the Nobility Boy 4
Dacey Adored, Southerner Boy 2
Dacey Of the nobility. Boy 2
Dacian Southerner, Of the Nobility Boy 5
Dacian Of the nobility. Boy 5
Dack Reference to the French town Dax. Boy 1
Dack Reference to the French Town Dax Boy 1
Dado Wealthy Guard Boy 6
Daeda God, Abbreviation of Deadulus Boy 6
Daegel From England Boy 7
Dael Lives in the valley. Boy 4
Dael Lives in the Valley, Small Valley Boy 4
Daelan Rhyming variant of Waylon - a historical blacksmith with supernatural powers. Boy 1
Daelan Rhyming Variant of Waylon Boy 1
Daewon Gracious God Boy 8
Dagonet Wild Dragon Boy 3
Dagwood Bright wood, from the bright one's forest. Boy 6
Daijon Gods Gift of Hope Boy 8
Dail Valley, Dale Boy 8
Dain From Denmark, Brook Boy 1
Dain Variant of Dane: Brook. Also from the surname Dane, meaning 'From Denmark.'. Boy 1
Daine From Denmark Boy 6
Daine Variant of Dane 'from Denmark.'. Boy 6
Dal Diminutive of Dale: Lives in a dale/valley. Boy 8
Dalan Blind, Similar to Dallin Boy 5
Dalas Eye Contact, Clean Sight Boy 1
Dalbert Bright one, proud. Boy 8
Dalbert Bright, Proud, Day-bright Boy 8
Dale Living in a Valley Boy 4
Dale Lives in the valley. Surname. Boy 4
Dalen Valley, Rhyming Variant of Waylon Boy 9
Dalen Rhyming variant of Waylon - a historical blacksmith with supernatural powers. Boy 9
Daley A Place for Assembly, Valley Boy 2
Daley Lives in the valley. Boy 2
Dalian Valley, Dale Boy 5
Dalla From the Dales, The Valley Meadows Boy 3
Dallan Blind, Dale, Valley Boy 8
Dallas Waterfall Near the Field Boy 4
Dalldav Legendary Son of Cunyn Cov Boy 2
Dalles Resting Place, Meadow Dwelling Boy 8
Dallin From the Dale, Proud, Blind Boy 7
Dallin Proud. Boy 7
Dallon Variant of Dallin, Blind Boy 4
Dallton Variant of Dalton: Dale town, valley town. Boy 6
Dallton Place Name Boy 6
Dallys Resting Place, Meadow Dwelling Boy 1
Dalston From Dougal's Place Boy 4
Dalten Variant of Dalton: Dale town, valley town. Boy 2
Dalten Place Name Boy 2
Dalton From the farm in the dale. Boy 3
Dalton The Settlement in the Valley Boy 3
Dalvin Proud Friend Boy 8
Dalwin Variant of Delvin: Friend, good friend. Boy 9
Dalwin Bright Friend Boy 9
Dalwyn Variant of Delvin: Friend, good friend. Boy 7
Dalwyn Bright Friend Boy 7
Daly Variant of Dale: Lives in a dale/valley. Boy 6