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आपके भारतीय बॉय के लिए खास नामों का खजाना – क्लिक करें और जानें!

Girl All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Boy All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Atas The soul, Divine Boy 5
Atash Fire Boy 4
Ataubaq Handsome, Beautiful, Helpful, Generous and got a lot of love to share Boy 9
Ataullah God gift Boy 4
Atavika N/A Boy 2
Atayat Gifts Boy 5
Atchayan N/A Boy 1
Atchut N/A Boy 1
Atchuta N/A Boy 2
Ateeb Very pious Boy 6
Ateeksh Wise Boy 6
Ateendra N/A Boy 5
Ateet Past Boy 6
Ateeth Inconceiveable to Sense Organs, God Boy 5
Atervan N/A Boy 9
Athar Neat, Clean Boy 3
Atharav Lord Ganesh, Name of a Ved, Name of a Rishi married to Santi, The daughter of Kardam Rishi and Devahooti, Name of Brahma's eldest son, to whom he revealed brahma-vidya Boy 8
Atharv Name of Lord Ganesha Boy 7
Atharv Lord Ganesh, Name of a Ved, Name of a Rishi married to Santi, The daughter of Kardam Rishi and Devahooti, Name of Brahma's eldest son, to whom he revealed brahma-vidya Boy 7
Atharva The first Vedas, Lord Ganesh, Knower of the arthara Vedas Boy 8
Atharva Name of Ganesha, The First Vedas Boy 8
Atharvan The first Vedas, Lord Ganesh, Knower of the arthara Vedas Boy 4
Atharvan Knower of the Arthara Vedas Boy 4
Atharvana N/A Boy 5
Athavale N/A Boy 7
Athawale N/A Boy 8
Athazaz Unknown, Mystery, Maze Boy 2
Athervan One of the Four Vedas Boy 8
Athiban Leader, Born to win as a leader, Lord Ayyapas another name Boy 1
Athiban Leader, Born to Win as a Leader, Lord Ayyapa's Alternative Name Boy 1
Athier Lion hearted Boy 7
Athikaya Of extra ordinary size Boy 4
Athil Firmly Rooted Boy 5
Athilesa N/A Boy 3
Athish Kind, Explosive, A dynamic person Boy 2
Athishay Wonderful, Successful & bright Boy 1
Athiya Lord Ganesh, Gift Boy 1
Athiya Lord Ganesh, To Surpass Boy 1
Athiyaman N/A Boy 2
Athmaram N/A Boy 3
Athrav Lord Ganesha Boy 7
Athrava The first Vedas, Lord Ganesh, Knower of the arthara Vedas Boy 8
Athrava N/A Boy 8
Athreya Name of a sage, Clever, Receptacle of glory Boy 6
Athreya N/A Boy 6
Athrv Lord Ganesh, Name of a Ved, Name of a Rishi married to Santi, The daughter of Kardam Rishi and Devahooti, Name of Brahma's eldest son, to whom he revealed brahma-vidya Boy 6
Athrv Lord Ganesha Boy 6
Athrva Name of a Veda Boy 7
Aththan N/A Boy 9
Athul Matchless or incomparable, Unique, Without a match Boy 8
Athul Unequal Boy 8
Athulith Incomparable, Lord Hanuman Boy 9
Athvik Winner Boy 8
Athyajat Sacrifice Boy 5
Ati Too much Boy 3
Atibahu Long Armed Boy 8
Atibala Excessive Power, Very Strong Boy 1
Atibhava N/A Boy 1
Aticanda N/A Boy 8
Atidatta N/A Boy 4