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आपके मुस्लिम बेबी के लिए चुनें नाम, जो हर किसी का ध्यान खींचेगा।

Girl All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Boy All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Bahiyah Beautiful, From Kikuyu, Radiant Girl 9
Bahiyah Beautiful, Radiant Girl 9
Bahiyat Precious Boy 3
BahiyudDin Radiant Boy 7
BahiyudDin Radiant Boy 7
BahiyUdeen The Magnificent of Faith Boy 4
BahiyUdeen The Magnificent of the Faith Boy 4
Bahiyudin The Magnificent of the Faith Boy 3
Bahiyy Magnificence of the Faith Boy 7
Bahiyy Magnificence of the faith Boy 2
Bahiyya Beautiful in Arabic Girl 8
Bahiyyah Beautiful, Radiant Girl 7
BahiyyalDin Magnificence of the Faith Boy 2
BahiyyAlDin Magnificence of the Faith Boy 2
Bahja Joyfulness, Radiance Boy 4
Bahja Happiness Girl 4
Bahjah Joyfulness, Radiance Boy 3
Bahjah Radiance, Joyfulness Girl 3
Bahjat Happiness, Beautiful Boy 6
Bahjat Splendors Boy 6
Bahjat Bringer of Happiness Girl 6
Bahlawan Acrobat Boy 8
Bahlol Leader of a Tribe, Virtuous King Boy 5
Bahlul One who does Good Deeds Boy 2
Bahman Right mind, Avalanche, The 11th month of the Iranian calendar Boy 3
Bahmat Kid, Child Boy 9
Bahoos Researcher, Searcher, Seeker Boy 6
Bahr Sea, Ocean Boy 2
Bahraa Shining, Beautiful Girl 4
Bahram Name of a Persian King Boy 7
Bahram Victory, Mars Boy 7
Bahram Winning over Resisting People Girl 7
Bahrawar Lion's heart Boy 9
Bahri Little, Part, Vast like the Ocean Boy 2
Bahria Water, Beautiful, Grey Girl 3
Bahriya Bright, Bold Girl 1
Bahriyah She was a devoted worshipper and ascetic of Basrah. She used to say, If the heart gives up the passions, it will then domesticate knowledge. Girl 3
Bahriyah She was a devoted worshipper and ascetic of Basrah. She used to say, "If the heart gives up the passions (evil desires), it will then demosticate knowledge." (A.N). Girl 3
Baht Pure, Unmixed Boy 4
Bahu A Lot, Arm Boy 5
Bahu Rod, A saint's name Boy 5
Bahuj Handsome, Happy - Lively Boy 6
Bahur Intense Heat Boy 5
Bahy Brother Boy 9
Bahz Name of Bin Hakeem Boy 1
Baid Another name for God, away, distant Boy 7
Baid Another Name for God, Away Boy 7
Baidar Enlightened, Attentive Boy 8
Baigum Princess, Lady Girl 8
Baihas Strong, Brave Boy 4
Bailul Freshness Boy 3
Bais One of the ninetynine names of God Boy 4
Baisha Daughter of God, Beautiful Girl 4
Baith One who Raises Death Boy 4
Baiyan Eloquence Girl 7
Baiza White, bright, brilliant, innocent, pure, fem. of Abyad. Girl 3
Baiza White, Bright, Brilliant Girl 3
Baizan Truthful Boy 8
Baizid Devotion of Mother Boy 6
Bajala A generous woman, Honored, Venerated Boy 9