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Bahamas Boy Names Numerology 8 - Ambitious and Successful

Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Barnett Leader Boy 8
Barnett Livingona Land Clearedby Fire Boy 8
Barre Gateway Boy 8
Barrick A Barley Farm, Grain Farm Boy 8
Barrick Grainfarm Boy 8
Barrie Livesatthe Barrier, Fair-haired Boy 8
Batu To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 8
Beamer Trumpeter Boy 8
Beamer Trumpet Player Boy 8
Beaux Sweetheart, Handsome, Admirer Boy 8
Benedict The Blessed One, Happy Boy 8
Benn Bornofthe Right Hand Boy 8
Benn Bornoftherighthand Boy 8
Bennett Little Blessed One, Blessed Boy 8
Bennett Blessed Boy 8
Bernard As Strongasa Bear, Courageous Boy 8
Bernard Braveasabear Boy 8
Berne Braveasa Bear, Formof Bernard Boy 8
Berne Braveasabear Boy 8
Bernie Grim Bear, Bear, Courageous Boy 8
Berth To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 8
Berwick Fromthe Barley Grange Boy 8
Berwick Fromthebarleygrange Boy 8
Beryl Dazzling Jewel Boy 8
Beverly Fromthe Beaver Meadow Boy 8
Beverly Fromthebeavermeadow Boy 8
Bevo Sonof Evan, Beaver Boy 8
Bill Resolute Protector Boy 8
Bill Resoluteprotector Boy 8
Birdhil Fromthe Bird Hill Boy 8
Birdhil Fromthebirdhill Boy 8
Birley Fromthecattleshedonthemeadow Boy 8
Birley Fromthe Cattle Shedonthe Meadow Boy 8
Bix To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 8
Bobbie Brightfame Boy 8
Bobbie Bright Fame Boy 8
Boby Bright Fame Boy 8
Bocley Livesatthebuckmeadow Boy 8
Bocley Livesatthe Buck Meadow Boy 8
Bode Messenger Boy 8
Bond Tiedtotheland Boy 8
Bond Boundby Loyalty Boy 8
Boogie To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 8
Boots To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 8
Brack Brock's Town, Fern, Bracca's Town Boy 8
Braden Broadvalley Boy 8
Braden Broad Hillside, Salmon Boy 8
Bradly Dwelleratthe Broad Meadow Boy 8
Bradly Dwelleratthebroadmeadow Boy 8
Braiden Broad Hill Boy 8
Brain High, Noble Boy 8
Brandin Beaconhill Boy 8
Brandin Beacononthe Hill Boy 8
Brenden Littleraven Boy 8
Brenden Little Raven, Prince Boy 8
Brian Honorable Boy 8
Brian Strong, Honourable, Strength Boy 8
Burl Cup Bearer, Butler, Wine Servant Boy 8
Burl Cupbearer Boy 8
Burny Braveasa Bear, Damp Place Boy 8