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Montserrat Boy Names Numerology 8 - Ambitious and Successful

Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Aaries To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 8
Abe Fatherofa Multitude, Breath Boy 8
Abram Exalted Father Boy 8
Ackerley Dwelleratthe Acre Meadow Boy 8
Addney Livesonthe Noble's Island Boy 8
Adken Oaken Boy 8
Adny Livesonthe Noble's Island Boy 8
Adolfo Distinguished, Strong Wolf Boy 8
Adonis Man Lovedby Aphrodite Boy 8
Adric Blessed Ruler Boy 8
Aeithen God's Angel Boy 8
Afa To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 8
Ahtahkakoop Quiltof Stars Boy 8
Aidyn Little Fire Boy 8
Aikin Oaken, Madeof Oak Boy 8
Aisley Dwellsatthe Ash Tree Grove Boy 8
Akeem Knowledgeable, Wise, Leader Boy 8
Alcott Fromthe Old Cottage Boy 8
Aldred Wise Counsellor, Old Adviser Boy 8
Alejandro Defender, Protectorof Mankind Boy 8
Alfonzo Readyfora Fight, Nobleand Ready Boy 8
Alicia Nobel Boy 8
Allen Formof Alan, Noble, Comely Boy 8
Alphy Inspired Advice, Nobleand Ready Boy 8
Alton Fromthe Old Town, Ella's Town,.... Boy 8
Alyse To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 8
Amyn Trustworthy, Faithful, Truthful Boy 8
Andersen Inestimable, Priceless Boy 8
Andreas Brave, Ofa Man, Warrior Boy 8
Andy Manly, Brave, Variantof Andrew Boy 8
Angus Unique Choice, Exceptional Boy 8
Ansa Portion Boy 8
Antony Priceless, Highly Praiseworthy Boy 8
Arber Dealerof Herbs Boy 8
Archer Bowman, An English Surname Boy 8
Archie Bold, Formof Archibald Boy 8
Arcus Rainbow, Goddessof Rainbows Boy 8
Armondo Warrior, Army Man, Soldier Boy 8
Armstrong Powerful, Onewitha Strong Arm Boy 8
Artie Noble, Rock Boy 8
Arvil Fusionof Soul Boy 8
Ashford Livesinthe Ash Tree Ford Boy 8
Askold To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 8
Athan Immortal Boy 8
August Venerable, Holy, Formof Augustus Boy 8
Austen Venerable, Majestic Boy 8
Avery Counselfromthe Elves Boy 8
Awon Somebody Boy 8
Aydin Educated, Illuminated, Clear Boy 8
Aziz Powerful, Friend, Dear One Boy 8
Babak Nameofthe Fatherof Ardeshir Boy 8
Barbu To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 8
Barclay Fromthe Birch-tree Meadow Boy 8
Barclay Fromthebirchtreemeadow Boy 8
Bardalph Axwolf Boy 8
Bardalph Ax Wolf Boy 8
Barden Fromthe Valleyof Barley Boy 8
Barlow Livesonthebarehill Boy 8
Barlow Clearingof Barley Boy 8
Barnett Nobleman,leader Boy 8