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Attention-grabbing oldenglish boy names that everyone will remember.

Girl All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Boy All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Jarvis Driver, a conqueror Boy 7
Kenelm Brave helmet Boy 6
Kenley Dweller at the king's meadow Boy 9
Kent Border, coast, bright white Boy 5
Kenton From the king's estate Boy 7
Keyon Guiding, leading Boy 7
King Ruler Boy 5
Kinsey Victorious prince Boy 2
Kipp Wearing a crown, sharply pointed hill Boy 7
Knox From the hills Boy 1
Landon Long hill Boy 6
Lawson Son of Lawrence Boy 3
Leland From the meadow land Boy 3
Lind Linden tree Boy 3
Linwood Stream forest Boy 2
Litton Hillside town Boy 9
Llewellyn Ruling Boy 3
Lomar Son of Omar Boy 5
Lyndon Linden tree Boy 3
Lyre A fork from river or glen Boy 6
Maitland Dweller in the meadow Boy 2
Makepeace Peace maker Boy 6
Manley Man of the meadow Boy 7
Manning Son of the hero Boy 9
Marden From the valley with the pool Boy 1
Marlow From the hillside lake Boy 1
Marsden Field near water Boy 2
Mather Strong army Boy 2
Mead Meadow Boy 5
Millard Caretaker of the mill Boy 6
Miller One who mills Boy 6
Milton From the mill town Boy 2
Nash Cliff Boy 6
Nelson Son of a champion, son of Neil Boy 7
Newman Newcomer Boy 7
North From the north Boy 3
Nyle Island Boy 2
Oakley From the oak meadow Boy 6
Ogden From the oak valley Boy 9
Olin Holly Boy 5
Orman Spearman Boy 7
Osbert Inspired, divine Boy 7
Osmond God protector Boy 8
Oswald Divinely powerful Boy 2
Oswin God friend Boy 8
Oxford From where the oxen ford Boy 1
Packard One who packs Boy 9
Palmer Palm bearing pilgrim Boy 2
Parker Cultivated land Boy 6
Parr From the stable Boy 8
Parry Son of Harry Boy 6
Penley Enclosed meadow Boy 5
Penn Enclosure Boy 4
Pierson Son of Peter Boy 6
Preston Dweller at the church, priest's settlement Boy 8
Putnam From the sire's estate Boy 4
Radcliff Red cliff Boy 5
Rae Doe Boy 6
Raleigh Dweller by the deer meadow Boy 6
Ralph Wolf, wise counsel Boy 1