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Nice and Unique boy Names That Begin with N

Girl All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Boy All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Na Meaningful, God Name Boy 6
Naabhak Belonging to the Sky Boy 2
Naabhas Celestial, Appearing in the Sky, Name of individual constellations, Sky, Ocean, Heavenly Boy 1
Naag A Big Serpent, Friend of God Shiva Boy 5
Naag A big serpent Boy 5
Naagadatha One of the Kauravas Boy 4
Naagdhar Lord Shiva, One who wears a cobra Boy 9
Naagpal Saviour of serpents Boy 7
Naarang Narang can be used as a surname in various culture, Orange, Human, A twin Boy 2
Naarayan Lord Vishnu, Refuge of man Boy 3
Naathan Gift from God, Rewarded, Given, Giving, Desire, Protector, Lord, Another name for Krishna Boy 5
Naavalan Debater, Orator Boy 3
Naavarasan Orator, Well-versed in the Arts Boy 2
Naavinya New Boy 6
Naayak The guide Boy 8
Nabajit New Winner Boy 3
Nabarun Morning Sun Boy 8
Nabendu New Moon, A night after Amavasya Boy 7
Nabh The Sky Boy 7
Nabhan Noble, Outstanding, Alert Boy 4
Nabhanyu Eternal, Celestial Boy 5
Nabhas Celestial, Appearing in the sky, Name of individual constellations, Sky, Ocean, Heavenly Boy 9
Nabhay Without Fear Boy 6
Nabhayan Fearsome Boy 3
Nabhendu New Moon Boy 6
Nabhi Centre of the body, An ancient king Boy 7
Nabhij Lord Brahma, Born from the navel Boy 8
Nabhinath Fearless Boy 5
Nabhith Fearless Boy 8
Nabhoj Born in Sky Boy 5
Nabhomani Jewel of the Sky, The Sun Boy 5
Nabil Noble, Generous, Peacock Boy 2
Nabin New Boy 4
Nabina New Boy 5
Nabneet Sun Boy 7
Nachik A Short Form of Nachiketa Boy 1
Nachiket Son of vajashravas (Son of vajashravas) Boy 8
Nachiketa An ancient Rishi, Fire Boy 9
Nachiketas The name of the boy who went to see Lord Yama and got Brahma Vidya from Yama Boy 1
Nadal Fortunate Boy 5
Nadan Very simple Boy 7
Nadeep Lord of wealth Boy 9
Nadeesh God of River / Ocean Boy 2
Nadeesh God of river, Ocean, Hope, Lord of water Boy 2
Nadesan Lord of Dancers, Lord Siva Boy 4
Nadir Beloved, Uncommon, Pinnacle Boy 1
Nadir Fresh, Dear, Rare, Pinnacle Boy 1
Nadish Ocean Boy 1
Nadish God of river, Ocean, Hope, Lord of water Boy 1
Naeem Comfort, Ease, Tranquil Boy 2
Naetik Regular, Variant of Naitik Boy 6
Nag King of the serpents, King of cobras Boy 6
Naga Snake, A Big Serpent, Cobra Boy 5
Nagabhushan One who wears snakes as ornaments, Lord Shiva Boy 6
Nagabhushana One who has serpents as ornaments Boy 7
Nagabhushanam God Shankar, Lord Shiva Boy 2
Nagaiah Lord Cobra Boy 5
Nagaiya Lord Cobra Boy 4
Nagalingam Lord Shiva Boy 7
Nagalingesh Lord Shiva Boy 7