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These anglo boy names can change your child’s future!

Girl All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Boy All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Brice Terror. Boy 1
Brigham Dwells at the bridge Boy 4
Broga Terror. Boy 7
Brogan Brown or dark. Boy 3
Bron Son of the dark man. Boy 4
Bronson Brown or dark. Boy 7
Brun Son of a nobleman. Boy 1
Bryce Warrior. Boy 8
Burgess Town dweller Boy 1
Burton From the fortified town Boy 9
Byron At the cowshed Boy 2
Cadman Name of a king. Boy 9
Cadwallon Poet. Boy 4
Caedmon Name of a king. Boy 1
Caedwalla Brave. Boy 8
Camden From the winding va... Boy 4
Camdene From the winding valley Boy 9
Cary Descendant of the dark one Boy 2
Ceawlin Name of a bishop. Boy 4
Cecil Dim sighted or blind Boy 5
Cedd Name of a king. Boy 7
Cenwalh Name of an abbot. Boy 3
Ceolfrith Name of a king. Boy 6
Ceolwulf Name of a king. Boy 7
Cerdic Name of a saint. Boy 6
Chad Merchant. Boy 7
Chapman Name of a king. Boy 2
Chester Rocky fortress Boy 6
Clifford Ford near the cliff Boy 1
Clive Cliff by the river Boy 6
Cnut From the dark village. Boy 4
Colby Chosen. Boy 3
Corey Dweller by the dark... Boy 3
Cosmo Order or harmony Boy 2
Courtnay Dweller by the dark... Boy 9
Courtney Dweller by the dark... Boy 4
Creighton Dweller by the rocks Boy 9
Cyril Master or Lord Boy 4
Dalston Judge. Boy 4
Delbert Bright as day Boy 3
Dell Hollow or valley Boy 6
Deman From the Danish set... Boy 1
Denby Danish. Boy 5
Denisc Secret. Boy 9
Denton Settlement in the valley Boy 9
Derian Gracious defender. Boy 6
Desmond From Devon. Boy 2
Devon From Devon. Boy 6
Devyn Dweller by the dark... Boy 7
Dougal Dweller by the dark... Boy 6
Douglas Trouble. Boy 7
Drefan Warrior. Boy 3
Dreng Suffers. Boy 3
Drew Son of Drew. Boy 5
Druce Dear friend. Boy 6
Duke Leader Boy 5
Durwin Dear friend. Boy 8
Durwyn Name of a king. Boy 6
Eadbert Lucky spearman. Boy 1
Eadgard Blessed. Boy 4