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These anglo boy names can change your child’s future!

Girl All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Boy All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Garberend Strong spear. Boy 2
Gareth Spear. Boy 5
Garr Strong spear. Boy 8
Garrett Peaceful gift. Boy 8
Garvin Friend in battle Boy 8
Geoff Peaceful gift. Boy 3
Geoffrey Name of a king. Boy 6
Geraint Greedy. Boy 2
Gerard Brave with a spear Boy 8
Gervaise Honorable Boy 5
Gildas Gem. Boy 7
Giles Shield bearer Boy 7
Gimm Rules with God. Boy 6
Godric Friend of God. Boy 2
Godwine From the cornered h... Boy 5
Gordie From the cornered h... Boy 4
Gordon From the cornered h... Boy 1
Gordy Hill near the meadow Boy 6
Govannon Warring. Boy 3
Graeme Grand home Boy 4
Graham Warring. Boy 3
Grahem Warring. Boy 7
Gram Grand home Boy 3
Gremian Legend name. Boy 4
Grendel Fierce bold. Boy 2
Grimbold Fierce. Boy 8
Grimm Fierce. Boy 6
Grimme Fierce Boy 2
Grindan Sharp Boy 4
Hall That which is covered Boy 6
Halwende Home. Boy 9
Ham Hot Boy 4
Hengist Darkness. Boy 1
Heolstor Deer. Boy 4
Heorot Hero. Boy 9
Hererinc Commander. Boy 8
Heretoga Warrior. Boy 7
Hilderinc Master. Boy 1
Hlaford Fame. Boy 1
Hlisa Wood. Boy 4
Holt Forest Boy 1
Hrothgar The shouter. Boy 5
Hrypa Name of a king. Boy 5
Hugh Bright mind Boy 8
Ida Wealthy. Boy 5
Iden Name of a king. Boy 5
Ine Iron bend. Boy 1
Ingram Angel Boy 8
Irenbend Sea lover. Boy 8
Irwin Sea lover. Boy 1
Irwyn Iron. Boy 8
Isen Friend. Boy 2
Iuwine Peaceful gift. Boy 9
Jarvis Servant with a spear Boy 7
Jeffrey Fearless leader. Boy 3
Judd Praised Boy 3
Kendrick Fearless leader. Boy 3
Kendryek Fearless leader. Boy 3
Kenric White. Boy 6
Kent Brave in war. Boy 5