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These anglo boy names can change your child’s future!

Girl All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Boy All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Ormod Brave friend. Boy 2
Orson Bear like Boy 9
Orville Golden village Boy 3
Orvin Brave friend. Boy 6
Orvyn Divine ruler. Boy 4
Osric Name of a king. Boy 1
Oswald Name of a king. Boy 2
Oswin Divine friend Boy 8
Oswine Name of a king. Boy 4
Oswiu Name of a king. Boy 6
Oswy Ox. Boy 1
Oxa Page. Boy 4
Page Page. Boy 2
Paige Name of a prince. Boy 2
Pax Peaceful Boy 5
Paxton Peaceful town Boy 9
Payne Man from the country Boy 7
Peada Rock. Boy 9
Pearce Name of a king. Boy 3
Pearson Son of Peter Boy 7
Pendragon From Penrith. Boy 4
Penrith Pear tree. Boy 9
Perry Rock. Boy 1
Pierce Rock. Boy 2
Piers Danger. Boy 4
Pleoh Name of a king. Boy 2
Prasutagus Dwells by the pond. Boy 8
Putnam Advises. Boy 4
Raedan Advises. Boy 7
Raedbora Name of a king. Boy 1
Raedwald Ram. Boy 5
Ramm Wolf shield. Varia... Boy 9
Rand Son of Rolfe. Boy 1
Randolf Wolf shield Boy 7
Rawlins Quick. Boy 6
Ray Dear brook Boy 8
Recene Guardian of the house. Boy 5
Renweard From Rheged. Boy 7
Rheged Powerful. Boy 2
Rice Rain. Boy 8
Rinan Warrior. Boy 2
Ripley Red haired. Boy 4
Ro Sky. Boy 6
Roan Tree with red berries Boy 3
Roe Red haired. Boy 2
Row Red haired. Boy 2
Rowan Tree with red berries Boy 8
Ruadson Fox. Boy 2
Russell Powerful. Boy 7
Ryce Plunders. Boy 6
Rypan Pain. Boy 2
Sar Pain. Boy 2
Sarlic Disgrace. Boy 8
Scand Shade. Boy 5
Scead Shade. Boy 5
Sceadu Archer. Boy 8
Sceotend Shoemaker. Boy 4
Scowyrhta Clothes. Boy 6
Scrydan Storm. Boy 3
Scur Tailor. Boy 7