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These anglo boy names can change your child’s future!

Girl All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Boy All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Seaton Fierce stronghold. Boy 2
Seaver Friend at court. Boy 7
Selwin Friend at court. Boy 1
Sener Fierce stronghold. Boy 7
Sever Sea guardian, guard... Boy 6
Seward From the hill on th... Boy 7
Sheldon From the ledge meadow. Boy 5
Shelny Shepherd. Boy 2
Shepard Shepherd. Boy 8
Shephard From the sheep meadow. Boy 7
Sheply Of glorious valor. Boy 4
Sherard Quick as the wind. Boy 1
Sherwin Quick as the wind. Boy 6
Sherwyn Name of a king. Boy 4
Sigenert Name of a king. Boy 7
Sihtric Friendly. Boy 5
Sinley Strikes. Boy 3
Slean Hammer. Boy 6
Slecg Nold. Boy 1
Snell Dwells at the farm. Boy 8
Steadman Severe. Boy 5
Stearc Dwells at the farm. Boy 3
Stefn Exalts. Boy 1
Stepan Steward. Boy 3
Stewart Steward. Boy 7
Stewert Gentle. Boy 2
Stillman From the tranquil s... Boy 1
Stilwell Storm. Boy 4
Storm Strong. Boy 4
Strang Steward. Boy 7
Stuart Swift. Boy 9
Sutton Southern town Boy 1
Swift Name of a saint. Boy 5
Swithun Sin. Boy 6
Tamar Wealthy defender. Boy 8
Tedman Wealthy defender. Boy 3
Tedmund Considers. Boy 9
Tellan Tame. Boy 1
Teller Storyteller Boy 9
Temman Harms. Boy 3
Teon Wealthy defender. Boy 9
Tilian Destroys. Boy 2
Tobrecan Crushes. Boy 6
Tobrytan From the taxed land. Boy 7
Tolan From the taxed land Boy 8
Toland Destroys. Boy 3
Tolucan Bright. Boy 5
Torht Bright. Boy 9
Torhte Tower. Boy 5
Torr Brave. Boy 8
Trace Brave. Boy 2
Tracey Brave. Boy 9
Tracy Tramples. Boy 4
Tredan Leaves. Boy 8
Treddian Encourages. Boy 3
Trymian Strengthens. Boy 1
Trymman From the high town. Boy 5
Upton Owns four acres of ... Boy 5
Verge Staff bearer Boy 3
Vernon Youthful or springlike Boy 7