Name |
Pronunciation |
Meaning |
Genger |
Numerology |
Courtney |
Court-dweller, Courtly, Courteous |
Girl |
4 |
Courtney |
Courtly, courteous. |
Girl |
4 |
Courtnie |
Courteous, Variant of Courtney |
Girl |
6 |
Courtny |
Court-dweller |
Girl |
8 |
Covell |
Lives at the Cave Slope |
Boy |
6 |
Covell |
Lives at the cave slope. |
Boy |
6 |
Covington |
A Settlement of Cofa's People |
Boy |
2 |
Covyll |
Lives at the Cave Slope |
Boy |
8 |
Covyll |
Lives at the cave slope. |
Boy |
8 |
Cowell |
A Hill Where Cows Grazed |
Boy |
7 |
Coweta |
Love and Caring |
Girl |
4 |
Coy |
From Quy |
Boy |
7 |
Coy |
Forest. |
Boy |
7 |
Coye |
Woods |
Boy |
3 |
Coyle |
Leader in Battle |
Boy |
6 |
Cozamalotl |
Rainbow |
Girl |
1 |
Craig |
Living Near a Rock or Cliff |
Boy |
2 |
Craige |
Rock |
Boy |
7 |
Cramar |
Filled with Joy |
Girl |
9 |
Cramer |
Filled with Joy |
Girl |
4 |
Cramir |
Filled with Joy |
Girl |
8 |
Cramor |
Filled with Joy |
Girl |
5 |
Cramur |
Filled with Joy |
Girl |
2 |
Crandall |
From the Crane Valley |
Boy |
2 |
Crandall |
From the crane valley. |
Boy |
2 |
Crandell |
From the Crane Valley |
Boy |
6 |
Crandell |
From the crane valley. |
Boy |
6 |
Crandon |
From the Hill of the Cranes |
Boy |
6 |
Crane |
Crane |
Boy |
5 |
Cranleah |
From the Crane Meadow |
Boy |
8 |
Cranleah |
From the crane meadow. |
Boy |
8 |
Cranleigh |
Variant of Cranley: Crane meadow. |
Boy |
5 |
Cranley |
From the Crane Meadow |
Boy |
6 |
Cranley |
From the crane meadow. |
Boy |
6 |
Cranly |
From the Crane Meadow |
Boy |
1 |
Cranly |
From the crane meadow. |
Boy |
1 |
Cranston |
From the Crane Estate |
Boy |
5 |
Cranston |
From the crane estate. |
Boy |
5 |
Cranstun |
From the Crane Estate |
Boy |
2 |
Cranstun |
From the crane estate. |
Boy |
2 |
Craven |
Cowardly |
Boy |
9 |
Crawford |
From the Crow's Ford |
Boy |
7 |
Crawford |
From the crow's ford. |
Boy |
7 |
Crayton |
Rocky Town, Border Dweller |
Boy |
6 |
Crayton |
Variant of Creighton: Rocky town. |
Boy |
6 |
Creada |
A Woman of Faith |
Girl |
5 |
Creadah |
A Woman of Faith |
Girl |
4 |
Creciah |
Graceful |
Girl |
2 |
Credah |
A Woman of Faith |
Girl |
3 |
Creed |
Belief, guiding principle. |
Boy |
8 |
Creed |
Belief, Guiding Principle |
Boy |
8 |
Creeda |
A Woman of Faith |
Girl |
9 |
Creedah |
A Woman of Faith |
Girl |
8 |
Creek |
From the Small Stream |
Boy |
6 |
Creida |
A Woman of Faith |
Girl |
4 |
Creidah |
A Woman of Faith |
Girl |
3 |
Creighton |
A Settlement on a Ridge |
Boy |
9 |
Creighton |
Lives at the creek town. |
Boy |
9 |
Creketun |
Lives at the Creek Town |
Boy |
7 |
Creketun |
Lives at the creek town. |
Boy |
7 |