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Adorable boy Names Starting with A (With Meanings)

Girl All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Boy All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Aadolf Form of Adolf, Distinguished Boy 3
Aage Carves the Stones, Stone-field Boy 5
Aala Supreme, Exalted, High in Status Boy 6
Aalvin Noble Friend Boy 5
Aalwyn Noble Friend Boy 4
Aarakya Destroyer of Invaders Boy 4
Aaric Rule with Mercy Boy 5
Aaron Mountain of Strength, Exalted One Boy 4
Aart Like an Eagle Boy 4
Aatto Noble Wolf, Evening Boy 3
Abba Leader, Father Boy 6
Abbas Description of a Lion Boy 7
Abbe Nobleman, Father in Rejoicing Boy 1
Abbo One who is Poor Boy 2
Abbud Worshipper of Allah, Devoted Boy 3
Abdi Abbreviated Form of Abdul Boy 7
Abdul Knowledge, Servant of the Lord Boy 4
AbdulHai Servant of the Living Boy 4
AbdulKadir One who Serves a Capable Man Boy 2
Abdullah Servant of Allah Boy 7
Abel Breathing, Breath Boy 2
Abelard Resolute Boy 7
Abelard Resolute. Boy 7
Abelard Resolute, Highborn, Steadfast Boy 7
Abelino Bird Boy 4
Abhi Fearless, Better than Best, Brave Boy 2
Abhil Meadow Boy 5
Abi My Father, All Given to Good Boy 3
Abid Worshipper of Allah Boy 7
Abidin Worshippers, Adorers Boy 3
Abo Father Boy 9
Abraham Faultless Boy 8
Abram Exalted Father Boy 8
Absalom God the Father of Peace Boy 9
Absalon Handsome Prince, Father of Peace Boy 1
Acelin Little Noble One Boy 8
Achatius God is Holding Boy 1
Achaz One that Takes or Possesses Boy 3
Achill Pain, Place Name Boy 9
Achille Place Name, Pain, Lipless Boy 5
Achilles Warrior, Pain, Lipless Boy 6
Achilleus Pain Boy 9
Achim Constructed by God Boy 7
Acke The Father of Peace, God Boy 2
Adal Precious, Nobel Boy 9
Adal Noble Boy 9
Adal Noble. Boy 9
Adalar Noble Eagle Boy 1
Adalard Brave Boy 5
Adalard Brave. Boy 5
Adalard Noble Eagle, Noble, Courageous Boy 5
Adalbert Intelligent or noble Boy 9
Adalbert Intelligent or noble. Boy 9
Adalberto Bright Nobility, Aristocratic Boy 6
Adalfieri Noble Oath, Noble, Courageous Boy 2
Adalgar Noble spearman Boy 8
Adalgar Noble spearman. Boy 8
Adalgar Noble Spear-man Boy 8
Adalgiso Noble Hostage Boy 5
Adalhard Brave Boy 4