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Joyful boy Names Starting with J (A Must-See List!)

Girl All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Boy All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Jaabir Consoler, Comforter Boy 5
Jaabir Consoler, Comforter, The person who have religious Boy 5
Jaabir Comforter Boy 5
Jaad God's Prosperity Boy 7
Jaafar Rivulet Boy 1
Jaafar Small stream Boy 1
Jaafar Rivulet, Small River Boy 1
Jaafar Rivulet, River, Stream, Little creek Boy 1
Jaah Respect, Rank Boy 2
Jaahid Hardworking, Striving Boy 6
Jaal Resolution, Firm will Boy 6
Jaalib Motive, Cause Boy 8
Jaami Perfect, Gatherer, Collector Boy 7
Jaamil Handsome, Good-looking Boy 1
Jaamil Beautiful Boy 1
Jaan Life, Soul. Boy 8
Jaan Life, Soul, God is Gracious Boy 8
Jaan Life, Soul Boy 8
Jaaquim God will Judge Boy 9
Jaar Neighbour Boy 3
Jaareh Wounding, Cutter Boy 7
Jaari Neighbourly, Like a Neighbour Boy 3
Jaasim Strong, Healthy, Great, Big, Huge Boy 8
Jaasir Brave, Bold, Courageous Boy 4
Jaaved Alive, King, Living Boy 7
Jaazi Sufficient Boy 2
Jabaar King, Mighty Boy 6
Jabal Which Glides Away Boy 8
Jabal Mountain, Ibn Yazid Boy 8
Jabalah Mountain,Hill Boy 8
Jabalah Mountain, Hill Boy 8
Jabalah Mountain, hill Boy 8
Jaban Tenderness of Heart, Soft Hearted Boy 1
Jaban Soft hearted, Tenderness of Boy 1
Jabar Bone-setter, Repairer Boy 5
Jabare Brave Boy 1
Jabari Brave, Strong Hearted, Courageous Boy 5
Jabb Servant of God / Lord Boy 6
Jabbaar Mighty Boy 8
Jabbar Mighty and brave Boy 7
Jabbar Comforter ,Mighty, brave Boy 7
Jabbar Mighty Boy 7
Jabbar Compeller, Comforter, Compelled Boy 7
Jabbar Mighty, brave Boy 2
Jabber Leader Boy 2
Jabed Adorer, Worshipper Boy 4
Jabeen River, Forehead Boy 1
Jabeer Comforter Boy 5
Jaber Wonderful, Warrior Boy 9
Jabez Grief Boy 8
Jabid Worshipper of Allah Boy 8
Jabilo Medicine Man Boy 4
Jabin He that Understands, Building Boy 9
Jabir Comforter Boy 4
Jabir Restorer, Comforter, Consolation Boy 4
Jabiri Comforter Boy 4
Jaboor Strong, Mender Boy 7
Jabori Curly Wizard Boy 1
Jabr Compulsion name of a companion. Boy 4
Jabr Compulsion Name of a Companion Boy 4