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अपने इस्लामी बॉय का नाम चुनने से पहले यह ज़रूर पढ़ें! इस्लामी बॉय के लिए 2025 के बेस्ट नाम।

Girl All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Boy All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
HifzurRahman Remembrance of the Beneficent Boy 8
Hijas Believer of God Boy 2
Hikmati Clever, Wise Boy 8
Hilal Moon, Crescent, Happiness Boy 6
Hilal Crescent Boy 6
Hilal The new Moon Boy 7
Hilal The new Moon Boy 6
Hilali Crescent-like Boy 6
Hilar Cheerful Boy 3
Hilel Cheerful, The New Moon, Crescent Boy 1
Hilf Treaty, Alliance, Confederacy Boy 8
Hillah Shower of rain Boy 5
Hilm Calmness, Patience, Intelligence Boy 6
Hilmi Gentle, calm Boy 6
Hilmi Gentle, calm Boy 6
Hilmiyat Gentleness, Mildness Boy 7
Himaayat Help, Support, Protection Boy 6
Himam Destiny Boy 8
Himar Ice Boy 4
Himayat Protection, Support Boy 5
Himayat Help, Protection, Guardianship Boy 5
Himayat Protection, Safeguarding Boy 5
Himayun Sacred, Fortunate, Blessed Boy 1
Himel Cold Boy 2
Hims Whisper Boy 4
Hind India, Hundred Camels Boy 8
Hirad Appearing fresh and healthy Boy 4
Hiras Beautiful, Talented Boy 1
Hiras Scratching, Scraping Boy 1
Hirun One of Name of Prophet Boy 7
Hirz Another Name for God Boy 7
Hirz Another name of God, Place of refuge Boy 7
Hisad Lions Boy 5
Hisam Sword Boy 5
Hisan Good-looking Beautiful, Handsome Boy 6
Hishaam Generous, Name of a Companion Boy 5
Hisham Generosity Boy 4
Hisham Companion of prophet Muhammad, Generous Boy 4
Hishmat State, Dignity Boy 6
Hissa Home Ruler Boy 2
Hissan Generous Boy 7
Hiyam Love Boy 2
Hizam Bold, Sword, Strong Man Boy 3
Hizan Warrior Boy 4
Hizaq Sharpness, Quickness Boy 7
Hizaqat Intelligence, Wisdom Boy 1
Hizbullah Army of Allah Boy 9
Hizrat Freshness Boy 1
Hobb Love, Affection Boy 9
Homayoon Royal, Fortunate Boy 7
Homayoun Royal, Fortunate Boy 4
Homayun Royal, Fortunate Boy 7
Hood Name of a prophet of Almighty, A prophet title of the 11th Boy 6
Hooman Good soul good natured Boy 3
Hooman Good soul, good natured Boy 3
Hooman A good soul, Good natured Boy 3
Hooshmand Wise Boy 7
Hooshyar Wise Boy 1
Hoque Real Boy 3
Hormazd Divinity of Wisdom Boy 4