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Montserrat Boy Names Numerology 4 - Hardworking and Practical

Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Aaref Knowledgeable Boy 4
Aarion To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 4
Aaron Mountainof Strength, Exalted One Boy 4
Abbot Father, Priest Boy 4
Abdul Knowledge, Servantofthe Lord Boy 4
Abee Elder Brother, Priest Boy 4
Abelardo Breathing, Noble, Resolute Boy 4
Abner Fatherof Light/ Luminous Boy 4
Adamson Sonof Adam Boy 4
Adelbert High-born, Brilliant, Intelligent Boy 4
Adkins Sonof Aiken Boy 4
Adney Livesonthe Noble's Island Boy 4
Aeker Fromthe Oak Tree Boy 4
Ahmed Leader, Onewhois Praise Worthy Boy 4
Ahote Restless One Boy 4
Aiekin Oaken Boy 4
Aiken Madeof Oak, The Oaken Boy 4
Ainsley Fromthe Fieldof Hermits Boy 4
Akira Intelligent, Anchor, Bright Boy 4
Albert Nobleand Bright, Highborn Boy 4
AlBrown To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 4
Alder Fromthe Alder Tree, Birch Tree Boy 4
Aldrin Oldand Wise Ruler Boy 4
Alev To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 4
Alexandro Defender, Protectorof Mankind Boy 4
Alexsander Defenderof Men Boy 4
Alexy Helper Boy 4
Ali Elevated, High Boy 4
Aliou To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 4
Allain Little Rock, Peace, Harmony Boy 4
Allan Harmony, Stone, Noble, Fair Boy 4
Almer Infamous, Noble Man Boy 4
Alonso Alfonso, Readyfor Battle Boy 4
Aloysius Renowned Warrior, Fameand War Boy 4
Alvie Noble Friend, Diminutiveof Alvin Boy 4
Alvin Noble Friend Boy 4
Amel Hope, Aspiration Boy 4
Andric Manly, Brave Boy 4
Andru Warrior Boy 4
Anscomb Place Name Boy 4
Ansley My Own Meadow, Place Name Boy 4
Antoney Worthyof Praise, Of Value Boy 4
Antwaun Variantof Anthony, Beyond Price Boy 4
Archere Bowman Boy 4
Archibald Bold, Valuable, Daring, Precious Boy 4
Archimedes Think First, Masterof Thought Boy 4
Ardel Fromthe Hare's Dell Boy 4
Argentino Shineslike Silver Boy 4
Aric Rulerof All, Sacred Ruler, Ruler Boy 4
Arnet Little Eagle Boy 4
Arric Rulewith Mercy Boy 4
Artiom Follower Boy 4
Artis Bear, Rock, Noble, Lofty Hill Boy 4
Arvel Weptover Boy 4
Arwood Fromthe Fir Forest Boy 4
Aryn Mountainof Strength, Enlightened Boy 4
Ascot Livesatthe East Cottage Boy 4
Atom To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 4
Attkins Sonof Aiken Boy 4
Aubry Ruleswith Elf Wisdom Boy 4