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Montserrat Boy Names Numerology 6 - Caring and Family-Oriented

Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Aaryan Respectable, Of Utmost Strength Boy 6
Abbott The Fatherofthe Abbey Boy 6
Abdiel Servantof God, Angelof Faith Boy 6
Achak Spirit( Algonquin), Earth, Dust Boy 6
Adalberto Bright Nobility, Aristocratic Boy 6
Aden Attractive, Handsome Boy 6
Adis Onewhois Clear Boy 6
Aditya The Sun, As Brightas Sun Boy 6
Adolphus Distinguished, Strong Wolf Boy 6
Adrien The Dark One, Rich- Wealthy Boy 6
Aiden Bornof Fire Boy 6
Ain Eye, Fountain, Spring, Merciful Boy 6
Ainslie My Own Meadow, Hermitage Meadow Boy 6
Aiston Fromthe Ash Tree Farm Boy 6
Ajaye Unconquered Boy 6
Akil Intelligent, Thoughtful Boy 6
Akilah Wise, Intelligent, Thoughtful Boy 6
Albertino Noble, Variantof Albert Boy 6
Aleph Leader Boy 6
Alex Formof Alexander Boy 6
Alfie Counselfromthe Elves Boy 6
Allister Defenderofmankind Boy 6
Alonza Noble- Eager Boy 6
Alvaro Armyof Elves, Elf Army Boy 6
Amari Protector, Strength, Builder Boy 6
Ameer Ruler, Prince, Superior, Chief Boy 6
Andre Virile, Manly, Brave, Masculine Boy 6
Anestis To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 6
Ansel God's Protection, Followerofa.... Boy 6
Antione Beyond Price, Invaluable Boy 6
Antoine Worthyof Admiration, Inestimable Boy 6
Antone Worthyof Praise, Of Value Boy 6
Antwon Beyond Price, Invaluable Boy 6
Arden High, Soaring, Eagle Valley Boy 6
Arick Rulerof All, Rulewith Mercy Boy 6
Arin Mountainof Strength, With Spokes Boy 6
Arleigh Meadowofthe Hare, Place Name Boy 6
Arlon Pledge Boy 6
Armand French Formof Herman, Army Man Boy 6
Arnett A Little Eagle Boy 6
Arrick Rulerof All, Rulewith Mercy Boy 6
Artak To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 6
Arvis The People's Friend Boy 6
Ascott Livesatthe East Cottage Boy 6
Asdrubal To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 6
Ashe Ash Tree Town Boy 6
Asher Favourable, Blessed, Fortunate Boy 6
Ashleigh Ash Wood Boy 6
Ashlon Strong Boy 6
Atwood Livesinthe Forest, Place Name Boy 6
Atworth Atthefarmstead Boy 6
Atworth Livesatthe Farmstead, Place Name Boy 6
Avee Sun- Air Boy 6
Avelino To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 6
Axel Father/ Manof Peace, Axe Boy 6
Axle Sourceof Life, Fatherof Peace Boy 6
Ayaan First Rayofthe Sun, Nature Boy 6
Babs To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 6
Balder Prince Boy 6
Barnet Ofhonorablebirth Boy 6