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Montserrat Boy Names Numerology 9 - Compassionate and Humanitarian

Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Ace Unity, First-rate, Number One Boy 9
Aelish Truth Teller Boy 9
Aelred Noble Counsel Boy 9
Aeneas Hewhois Praised, To Praise Boy 9
Aeric Lone Ruler, Ever Ruling, Island Boy 9
Agis To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 9
Ahmad Highly Praised, Commendable Boy 9
Aisford Livesbythe Ash Tree Ford Boy 9
Alastair Defenderof Mankind Boy 9
Alden Oldand Wise Protector, Defender Boy 9
Aldis Fromthe Old House, Old, Tired Boy 9
Aleco Defenderof Men Boy 9
Aler Fromthe Alder Tree Boy 9
Alessandro Defenderof Man, Man's Defender Boy 9
AlJohnson To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 9
Allex Helper/ Defenderof Mankind Boy 9
Alphonse Eager, Readyfor Battle, Noble Boy 9
Alston Fromthe Noble's Home, Place Name,.... Boy 9
Alva Noble Friend, Elf, Brilliance Boy 9
Alvis All-knowing, All Wise Boy 9
Amory Industrious Leader, Brave Boy 9
Anderson Sonof Andrew, Masculine Boy 9
Andreu Masculine, Warrior Boy 9
Andriel Manly, Brave Boy 9
Andrue Manly, Brave Boy 9
Angad An Ornament, Partof God Boy 9
Angelo God's Messenger, Angel Boy 9
Anil Breeze, Purest, Wind, Godof Wind Boy 9
Ansell God's Protection, Variantof.... Boy 9
Anson Anne's Son, A Surname, Sonof.... Boy 9
Antar Rush Boldlyinto Danger, Heart Boy 9
Antiman Likea Condorinthe Sun Boy 9
Aray Lucky Boy 9
Argiris To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 9
Ariel Lionof God, Namefor Jerusalem Boy 9
Ariya Lionof God Boy 9
Arlie Oath, Fromthe Hare's Meadow Boy 9
Arlin Pledge, Oath Boy 9
Arsenio Manly, Virile, Disputed, Potent Boy 9
Arvid Friendofthe People Boy 9
Arwyn People's Friend Boy 9
Ashlin Meadowof Ash Trees Boy 9
Ashok King, Onewithout Sorrow Boy 9
Ashwyn Spear Friend Boy 9
Assaad Brave, Happier Boy 9
Aubrey Bearlike, Elf Ruler/ Power Boy 9
Aucaman Condorfrom Wilderness Boy 9
Auden Ancient/ Old Friend, Bold One Boy 9
Augustine Exalted, Majestic, Dignity Boy 9
Aundre Nobel Wolf, Manly, Brave Boy 9
Aurelio Gilded, Golden Boy 9
Aurick Noble Valour/ Leader Boy 9
Auston Holy, Dignified, August Boy 9
Autumn Autumn Boy 9
Aydan Fire, Mystery, Superior Boy 9
Ayman Lucky, Righteous Boy 9
Bailey Administrator, Steward Boy 9
Bailey Administrator Boy 9
Balyn Mighty Soldier Boy 9
Banner Flag, Ensign Bearer Boy 9