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Muslim Boy Names Numerology 8 - Ambitious and Successful

Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Aabid Worshipper, Devotee Boy 8
Aabid Worshiper Boy 8
Aabid Worshipper of God Boy 8
Aabidullah Worshipper of Allah Boy 8
Aadhil Honourable Judge Boy 8
Aadhil Honorable judge, Justice, Righteous Boy 8
Aafii Honesty Boy 8
Aahaan Auspicious Dawn, Sword Boy 8
Aahana First Rays of the Sun Boy 8
Aaif Fearless, Friend Boy 8
Aaizulrahman Great Boy 8
Aajad Independence Boy 8
Aajam Respectable, Great Boy 8
Aakeel World Boy 8
Aalimoon Knowledgeable One Boy 8
Aamineen Safe, Unharmed Boy 8
Aarhaan Ruler, Winner, King Boy 8
Aarif Knowing, aware Boy 8
Aarshan Good Boy 8
Aasaal Real, Pure, Evening Time Boy 8
Aasaal Evening time, Real, Pure Boy 8
Aashan Name of a Tree Boy 8
Aashif Bold, courageous Boy 8
Aashif Bold, Courageous Boy 8
Aashif Bold, Courageous, An able minister, Forgiveness Boy 8
Aashna Familiar, Friend Boy 8
Aayizah Replacement Boy 8
Abad Everlasting, Eternal, Father Boy 8
Abadah Endurance, Durability, Strength Boy 8
Abakhtar Planet, North Boy 8
Abam Tower, Pigeon House, Fortress Boy 8
Abannak Firm, Strong Boy 8
Abbaas Gloomy Look, Description of Lion Boy 8
Abbaas Description of a lion Boy 8
Abbu Father Boy 8
Abbudin Worshippers Boy 8
Abbudin Worshipper Boy 8
Abd Servant of all hearing Boy 8
Abda Strength, Power Boy 8
AbdAlHakim Servant of the Wise Boy 8
AbdalHakim Servant of the Wise One Boy 8
AbdAlSami Servant of the All-hearing Boy 8
Abdar Glittering with Water, Wealthy Boy 8
Abdelhak Servant of the Truth Boy 8
AbdelKerim Servant of the Generous One Boy 8
AbdiRahman Servant / Slave of Allah Boy 8
Abdu Servant of the Most Merciful Boy 8
Abdul Slave of the High one Boy 8
Abdul Servant of the Mighty Boy 8
Abdul Slave of the great Boy 8
Abdul Servant of the Creator Boy 8
Abdul Servant of the creator, Slave of the creator Boy 8
Abdul Slave of the one who raises death Boy 8
Abdul Servant of the Resurrector Boy 8
Abdul Slave of the one who raises the death Boy 8
Abdul Servant of the Guide Boy 8
Abdul Servant of the Respected and Esteemed Boy 8
Abdul Slave of the one who is aware Boy 8
Abdul Servant of the Aware Boy 8
Abdul Servant of the Kind Boy 8