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Arthurianlegend Girl Names Starting with G & Accurate Pronunciation

Girl All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Boy All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Gaenor Variant of Guinevere: Fair one. Guinevere was King Arthur's mythological queen. Girl 6
Ganieda Merlin's sister. Girl 5
Gaynor Variant of Guinevere: Fair one. Guinevere was King Arthur's mythological queen. Girl 8
Ginevra Variant of Guinevere: Fair one. Guinevere was King Arthur's mythological queen. Girl 4
Graine Taken from Igraine. Girl 9
Grainne Taken from Igraine. Girl 5
Grisandole A princess who dresses as a man. Girl 5
Guanhamara Arthur's queen. Girl 4
Guanhumora Arthur's queen. Girl 2
Guenevere Fair one. Guinevere was King Arthur's mythological queen. Jennifer derives from this name. Girl 3
Guenloie A queen. Girl 7
Guinevere Fair one. Guinevere was King Arthur's mythological queen. Girl 7
Gvenour Arthur's queen. Girl 3
Gwenddydd Merlin's sister. Girl 9
Gwendolen Merlin's wife. Girl 9
Gwendoloena Merlin's wife. Girl 7
Gwenevere Fair one. Guinevere was King Arthur's mythological queen. Jennifer derives from this name. Girl 5
Gwenhwyfach Guinevere's sister. Girl 6