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A treasure chest of amazing nicaragua names for your boy.

Girl All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Boy All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Aaden Warmthofthe Home, Fire, Flame Boy 7
Aage Carvesthe Stones, Stone-field Boy 5
Aarav Peaceful, Good Personality Boy 7
Aaref Knowledgeable Boy 4
Aaric Rulewith Mercy Boy 5
Aaries To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 8
Aarion To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 4
Aaron Mountainof Strength, Exalted One Boy 4
Aaryan Respectable, Of Utmost Strength Boy 6
Abbot Father, Priest Boy 4
Abbott The Fatherofthe Abbey Boy 6
Abby Father, My Fatheris Light Boy 3
Abdiel Servantof God, Angelof Faith Boy 6
Abdul Knowledge, Servantofthe Lord Boy 4
Abe Fatherofa Multitude, Breath Boy 8
Abee Elder Brother, Priest Boy 4
Abel Breathing, Breath Boy 2
Abelardo Breathing, Noble, Resolute Boy 4
Abilene Fatherof Mourning Boy 3
Abner Fatherof Light/ Luminous Boy 4
Abram Exalted Father Boy 8
Ace Unity, First-rate, Number One Boy 9
Achak Spirit( Algonquin), Earth, Dust Boy 6
Achilleas To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 7
Ackerley Dwelleratthe Acre Meadow Boy 8
Ackley Dwellsatthe Oak Tree Meadow Boy 3
Adalberto Bright Nobility, Aristocratic Boy 6
Adalson Sonof All Boy 3
Adam Red Earth, First Human Being Boy 1
Adamo Sonofthe Red Earth, Mankind Boy 7
Adams Sonofthe Red Earth Boy 2
Adamson Sonof Adam Boy 4
Adan To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 2
Addis Sonof Adam, Sonofthe Red Earth Boy 1
Addison Sonofthe Red Earth Boy 3
Addney Livesonthe Noble's Island Boy 8
Addy Ardent, Sonof Adam Boy 7
Adelbert High-born, Brilliant, Intelligent Boy 4
Aden Attractive, Handsome Boy 6
Adi Beginning, First Born, Superior Boy 5
Adian A Large Bat Boy 2
Adin Pleasure Given, Delicate Boy 1
Adis Onewhois Clear Boy 6
Aditya The Sun, As Brightas Sun Boy 6
Adken Oaken Boy 8
Adkins Sonof Aiken Boy 4
Adkyn Oaken Boy 1
Adney Livesonthe Noble's Island Boy 4
Adny Livesonthe Noble's Island Boy 8
Adolf Noblewolf Boy 2
Adolfo Distinguished, Strong Wolf Boy 8
Adolph Noble Wolf Boy 2
Adolphus Distinguished, Strong Wolf Boy 6
Adonis Man Lovedby Aphrodite Boy 8
Adonius Unconquerable Boy 2
Adrain Dark One, Manfrom Hadria Boy 2
Adrian Dark One, Rich, From Hadria Boy 2
Adric Blessed Ruler Boy 8
Adrien The Dark One, Rich- Wealthy Boy 6
Adrin Grace, Godis Gracious Boy 1