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Trendy & Modern Nicaragua Baby Boy Names for Your Newborn

Choosing a name for your newborn is a beautiful journey, and finding the perfect one can be a meaningful experience. For Nicaragua parents, baby boy names often hold deep significance, reflecting values of faith, wisdom, and tradition. In 2024, the trend is all about modern names that carry traditional Nicaragua meanings while sounding fresh and unique.

If you’re looking for a trendy and meaningful name, options like Aaden (meaning ‘ Warmthofthe Home, Fire, Flame’), Baalveer (meaning ‘ Strong, Powerful’), and Cab (meaning ‘ Strolling Player’) are perfect choices. These names offer a blend of modern appeal with spiritual depth, making them ideal for today’s parents..

For those seeking more traditional yet modern-sounding names, Daanyal, Eallard, and Faber are timeless options that never go out of style. These names are inspired by Nicaragua history, prophets, and virtues, providing a strong cultural connection.

Explore this collection of trendy and modern Nicaragua baby boy names to find the one that resonates with your faith and family values. Give your child a name that’s not only meaningful but also stands out in today’s world.

Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Aaden Warmthofthe Home, Fire, Flame Boy 7
Aage Carvesthe Stones, Stone-field Boy 5
Aarav Peaceful, Good Personality Boy 7
Aaref Knowledgeable Boy 4
Baalveer Strong, Powerful Boy 3
Babacar To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 1
Babak Nameofthe Fatherof Ardeshir Boy 8
Babs To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 6
Cab Strolling Player Boy 6
Cabe Rope-maker, A Cape Boy 2
Cable Rope, Rope-maker Boy 5
Cabot Strolling Player Boy 5
Daanyal Wise Boy 4
Dace Southerner Boy 4
Dace Southerner, Ofthe Nobility Boy 4
Dacey Southerner Boy 2
Eallard Brave Boy 8
Eallison Sonof Elder Boy 6
Ean Godis Gracious Boy 2
Earl Nobleman Boy 9
Faber Bean Grower Boy 5
Faber Beangrower Boy 5
Fabian Bean Grower, Growerof Beans Boy 6
Fabian Beangrower Boy 6
Gabby Soundof God, Heroof God Boy 1
Gabe God's Bravest Man, Godis My.... Boy 6
Gabino Godis My Strength, Devotedto God Boy 3
Gabrial Man/ Heroof God, My Strength Boy 5
Haas A Good Man Boy 2
Hadden Fromtheheathercoveredhill Boy 9
Hadden Fromthe Heather Covered Hill Boy 9
Haddon Fromtheheathercoveredhill Boy 1
Ian Godisgracious Boy 6
Ian Godis Merciful/ Gracious Boy 6
Ibai To Be Defined if you know the meaning Boy 3
Ibis To Be Defined if you know the meaning Boy 3
Jaan Life, Soul, Godis Gracious Boy 8
Jaaron To Shout, To Sing Boy 5
Jabar Bone-setter, Repairer Boy 5
Jabari Brave, Strong Hearted, Courageous Boy 5
Kabin To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 1
Kachada White Man Boy 2
Kacy Descendant Boy 4
KaDarius To Be Defined if you know the meaning Boy 3
Labros To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 4
Lach Lives Near Water Boy 6
Lache Lives Near Water Boy 2
Lachy A Boyfromthe Lake Boy 4
Maaz Wooden Boy 5
Mac Sonof, Takenfrom Mackenzie Boy 8
Macarthur Sonof Arthur Boy 4
Mace To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 4
Naci To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 9
Nadine Filledwith Hope Boy 2
Nadir Beloved, Uncommon, Pinnacle Boy 1
Naem God Gift Boy 6
Oakden Fromtheoaktreevalley Boy 5
Oakden Fromthe Oak Tree Valley Boy 5
Oakes Fromthe Oak, Nearthe Oak Trees Boy 6
Oakes Fromtheoak Boy 6
Pablito To Be Defined if you know the meaning Boy 3
Pablo Tiny, Petite, Little Boy 1
Pablo Small Boy 1
Pachua Feathered Water Snake Boy 5
Qaletaqa Guardianofthe People Boy 2
Qochata White Man Boy 2
Quanah Aromatic Boy 8
Que To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 7
Raaj Kingdom Boy 3
Raam Lord Rama, God, Supreme Spirit Boy 6
Rachad Righteous Boy 8
Rachard Righteous Boy 8
Saad Light, Good Luck, Lucky Boy 7
Saar Storm Boy 3
Sab Beautiful, Lion Boy 4
Saba Born Duringthe Morning Hours Boy 5
Tab Brilliant, Shining, Drummer Boy 5
Tab Drummer Boy 5
Tabitha Likea Gazelle, Daughter Boy 7
Tad Gift Givenby God, Praise, Heart Boy 7
Udale Fromtheyewtreevalley Boy 7
Udale Fromthe Yew Tree Valley Boy 7
Udall Fromthe Yew Tree Valley Boy 5
Udall Fromtheyewtreevalley Boy 5
Vad To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 9
Vadia To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 1
Vagelis To Be Defined if you know the meaning Boy 3
Vaggelis To Be Defined.if you know the meaning Boy 1
Wacian Alert Boy 6
Wade To Go, Ford, Moving Boy 6
Wade Riverford Boy 6
Wadell Dwellerbythe Ford Boy 3
Xabiere Chosen One Boy 1
Xakery Respellingof Zachary Boy 3
Xander Splendid, Defenderof Mankind Boy 3
Xandy Defenderofthe People Boy 5
Yaakov Supplanter, Heldbythe Heel Boy 3
Yacov Holderof Heel, Yahweh May Protect Boy 3
Yadiel Friend, Beloved Friend Boy 2
Yael God's Strength, Mountain Goat Boy 7
Zach God Remembers Boy 2
Zach Formof Zachary, Rememberedby God Boy 2
Zachariah Godremembers Boy 3
Zachariah God Remembers Boy 3