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The most meaningful and auspicious russian names for your baby.

Girl All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Boy All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Sacha Helper and defender of mankind Boy 5
Sanya Defender of man. Boy 6
Sasha Defender of man. Boy 3
Sashenka Defender and helper of mankind Girl 6
Semyon Russian form of Simon 'God is heard'. Boy 1
Serge An attendant. Boy 9
Sergei Protector, shepherd. Boy 9
Serguei An attendant. Boy 3
Seriozha An attendant. Boy 2
Seriozhenka An attendant. Boy 5
Shura Defender of man. Boy 4
Shurik Defender of man. Boy 5
Shurochka Defender of man. Boy 5
Slavik Glory. Boy 2
Sonia Wisdom Girl 4
Stanislov Glory. Boy 5
Stefan Russian form of Stephen 'crowned with laurels'. Boy 2
Stephan Russian form of Stephen 'crowned with laurels'. Boy 2
Stepka Russian form of Stephen 'crowned with laurels'. Boy 9
Svetlana Star Girl 4
Tamryn Palm tree. Variant of Tamar. Biblical Tamara was daughter of King David and sister to Absalom. Boy 1
Tanya Fairy princess Girl 7
Tasha Abbreviation of Natasha - the Russian form of the English Natalie 'Born at Christmas.'. Boy 4
Tolenka From the east. Boy 6
Tolya From the east. Boy 1
Tosya Beyond expectation. Boy 8
Tusya Beyond expectation. Boy 5
Valerii Brave. Boy 4
Valerik Brave. Boy 6
Vanechka God's gift. Boy 2
Vania God's gift Girl 2
Vanya Gracious gift of God Girl 9
Vanyusha God's gift. Boy 3
Vasilii Royal. Boy 9
Vassi Royal. Boy 7
Vassily Royal. Boy 8
Vasya Royal. Boy 5
Viktor Victor. Boy 5
Vitenka Victor. Boy 1
Vladik Peaceful or has glory. Boy 5
Vladislav Has glory. Boy 3
Vladmir Has peace. Boy 7
Vladmiri Has peace. Boy 7
Vladya Peaceful. Boy 2
Volody Peaceful. Boy 3
Vyacheslav Has glory. Boy 1
Yakov Supplanter. Variant of Jacob. Boy 2
Yaremka Appointed by God. Boy 2
Yasha Defends man. Boy 9
Yerik Appointed by God Boy 5
Yeva Live-giving Girl 8
Yura Farmer. Boy 2
Yuri Variant of George. Boy 1
Yurii Farmer. Boy 1
Yurik Farmer. Boy 3
Yurochka Farmer. Boy 3
Zhenechka Noble. Boy 9
Zhenya Noble. Boy 7
Zhorah Farmer. Boy 4
Ziven Alive. Boy 4