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अपने इस्लामी बॉय का नाम चुनने से पहले यह ज़रूर पढ़ें! इस्लामी बॉय के लिए 2025 के बेस्ट नाम।

Girl All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Boy All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Name Pronunciation Meaning Genger Numerology
Ayub King of Patience, Name of a God Boy 4
Ayub A prophet of Allah swt Boy 4
AyubKhan Mohammed Boy 2
Ayuf Perfectionist Boy 8
Ayup Wealth Boy 9
Ayyaam Days Boy 3
Ayyan Someone who is religiously inclined, Gift of God Boy 3
Ayyash Bread seller Boy 7
Ayyash Bread-seller Boy 7
Ayyashi One who Lives Well Boy 7
Ayyoob A Biblical Prophet's Name, Job is .... Boy 2
Ayyub A Prophets name (Job) Boy 2
Ayyub Ayyub was a Prophet of Allah known for his patience in the face of severity and hardship. There have been other noted men by this name, for instance I Boy 2
Ayyub A Prophets name (Job) Boy 6
Ayyub Ayyub was a prophet of Allah known for his patience in the face of severity and hardship, there have been other noted men by this name, for instance, Ibn Tamim was a reciter of the Quran, Al-sakhtiyan Boy 2
Ayzaan Goodness Boy 5
Aza Comfort Boy 1
Azaan Call for the prayer Boy 7
Azaan Call for the prayer. Boy 7
Azab Touring, travelling, wandering Boy 3
Azad Freedom Boy 5
Azad Freedom. Boy 5
Azad Free, Independence, Liberated Boy 5
Azad Free, Independent Boy 5
Azahar Great Boy 1
Azaien Decoration Boy 2
Azal The Beginning Boy 4
Azam The powerful one Boy 5
Azam Offspring, Variant of A'zam, .... Boy 5
Azam Great and mighty Boy 5
Azamat One who is Majestic, A Proud Man Boy 8
Azan Muslim Call for Prayer Boy 6
Azar Help, Scarlet, Fire, King Boy 1
Azardeen Honesty, Braveness Boy 2
Azari Maidens Boy 1
Azaria God Helps Boy 2
Azarias Yahweh has Helped Boy 3
Azarrudin Honoured Person of the Religion Boy 4
Azarudeen Honoured Person of the Religion Boy 5
Azarudeen Sushanths friend Boy 5
Azarul Unbeatable, Lion Heart Boy 7
Azat Gazelle, - Boy 3
Azaz Strong One, Giving Respect, Honest Boy 9
Azaz Strong one Boy 9
Azazel Cancerous Spirit, The Scapegoat Boy 8
Azaziah Strength of the Lord Boy 9
Azazzil The Leader of Angels Boy 2
Azb Sweet Boy 2
Azb Modern, Wonder, Astonishment Boy 2
Azban Fresh Boy 8
Azdine Hope of Religion Boy 5
Azeeb Amazing Boy 3
Azeem Great, greater Boy 5
Azeem Defender, referring to one of Gods ninety nine qualities Boy 5
Azeem Defender, referring to one of Gods ninety nine qualities Boy 9
Azeem Famous, On the top, Heights, Greatest Boy 5
Azeera Unperceived Pearl Boy 2
Azees Servant of the Mighty, The Powerful Boy 2
Azel Noble Boy 8
Azem Greatest, The Powerful One Boy 9